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Banish Certain Criminals From Our City

Started by jay, January 21, 2007, 07:23:32 PM

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y town streets

  Hello i feel murder and robbing is the main problem in our city. traffic issues like no insurence ect are noy even in the same catagory. if we vocas more on major problems and stop picking at lent maybe we might get some results. If no insurence is all a young man have commited dont ride him down go after the real minis to socity ok!!!!! we still have some good young people who really try in this dead bet town lets call em like thay are.


Banishment from the community would be a blessing!  Just a short list of crimes warranting it would be:
Burglary, Theft, Driving without a license and/or insurance, Murder, Assault, Aggravated Assault, Robbery, and so much more.

If those who cannot or will not obey our laws, they must be banished to a community where they can rob and hurt each other.  They would be allowed to leave such a place only when it's proven that they can behave properly.  When these lazy, drug induced, mentally unstable "people" stop receiving "free"  benefits from the government and are made to work for what they receive, maybe they'll change their evil ways. 

We're the ones who are being forced to live in our homes like prisoners. 



Actually that is one of many violations under Section 8 housing which are grounds for not only removal, but any further financial assistance. Once again, enforcement.


I've heard that one housing project in Youngstown has a code of behavior for the tenants.  If you do drugs, you lose your apartment and can't live anywhere else in the housing complex.


Hello Jay  ,   Considering the way criminals act , disregarding our laws no matter what the crime, Prison doesn't work so I really don't think banishment would work .  I personally feel putting the fear of God into criminals such as pain or fear of dying , but torture is not allowed in this country  ;D


I wonder if a community has ever banished perpetrators of certain criminal acts from ever living in that community again.  Some sex offenders are not allowed to live within a certain distance of schools and playgrounds even after they have served their sentence. 

If banishment from Youngstown was a possibility, which crimes do you feel would warrent this added punishment?