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Entrances to the City - Convocation Centre

Started by ForumManager, December 05, 2006, 12:19:10 PM

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When you are traveling east on 680, there are two Market Street exits.  One is for traffic continuing south on Market Street and the other for traffic heading north toward downtown Youngstown.


Even the Marshall Street exit is better than the South Avenue exit, and it would give out of towners a better chance to see just how far the city has come. If they are willing to drive into Youngstown to see a show, the extra 3 or 4 blocks wouldn't matter, and besides, the city needs all the positive publicity it can get. What better than to see the lit up buildings in all their glory?


OK, so that explains it. DUH  That was a idiotic comment on my part considering  I've lived here so many years.
You can get on  680 at Market  heading West but not  get off .

Marshall St. --- 
That's the one marked Glenwood/Mahoning Exit? (Amtrak, LOL)

So why isn't there a Market Street Exit going  West but there is one going east? That  seems like poor planning.
Not that anyone here can answer that question.

Then visually  it might be better to come off of the hubbard/northside loop....but its  not a straight shot.


There is no Market Street exit if you are heading west on 680.  If you miss the South Avenue exit, the next exit is at Marshall Street.


What about contacting the Mayor with a letter that has been signed by as many people as you can get? Make copies if that letter and deliver it to each member of City Council?


Who is it that decides where the freeway signs point travelers?
On 680 -- The Convocation Center NEXT EXIT sign is the South Avenue exit.
I feel this is not putting our best foot froward when welcoming visitors and Centre performers to our city.
The South Avenue exit takes people through a rundown area and brings them behind the Centre.
If Market Street was the designated exit, visitors would come toward downtown, see the   county courthouse and square and would  have a better view of the valley itself AND they would arrive at the Chevy Centre's front doors.
Who should be petitioned to move the "next exit" sign?