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Guardians Of Mill Creek Park Meeting - Monday, April 4

Started by jay, March 26, 2016, 06:47:42 AM

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Financial duress is the current problem of the Park and it is the result of the few antifrackers who got there way.  So.....where are they now with solutions?


So if we sign with Hilcorp they'll fire Aaron Young? I don't think so....


Here is the answer for Mill Creek:
Yins go to the meetings with a real solution.  Tell the leadership to open dialogue with the energy industry in the Utica,  namely Hilcorp, etc. And the Landbank of Youngstown.  Offering to discuss amassing minerals in the valuable wet gas zone for development.  The massive acreage amount should get global attention because we are exporting now.  This will solve all our problems.


This leads us back to the issue on hand, Mill Creek, is boxed into a corner by the landless anti frackers, resulting in diminishing funding, so heads roll, sadly those heads were your very own antifrackers in my opinion,  so look what you guys did to yourselves.  The problem with socialism,  is you run out of other people's money.....time to make your own is what I'm saying.


Dennis, signing bonuses they received over five years initially were in the millions,  royalty payments every year since were based on the price of the hydrocarbons .  There is no debate that large acreage holders were infused millions, documentation us there.  Let's move on to Mill Creek,  even they received million from conventional legacy wells, again well documented.   Only one question now, why have they not conducted business with Utica energy companies,  answer : because the anti fracking landless pressured the leadership to ., again well documented.


The next meeting of the Mill Creek Park Board of Commissioners is Monday, April 11, 6:00 p.m. at the Mill Creek Park Farm in Canfield.


Ron, if Oglebay has made millions...that's news to me.....the only info I have seen has been less than a million.....


Dennis, we're talking about the parks. You are not correct about Oglebay, hundreds of millions, they have smart leaders


Ron: Hundreds of millions? Come on.....The city of Wheeling and Oglebay haven't even received $500,000 from the fracking underneath their grounds...and they've been at it for at least 3 years now......

Don't blame the anti-frackers for this one, Ron.....


Btw, Poland Village,  the wealthiest land owner in Mahoning county, did the se thing, let the anti frackers stop the $1.5 M bonus from coming in, Poland today has one of the largest foreclosure rates in thenValley.  Keep it up spoiled generation, you are providing the stupid leaders of today.


Hello Dennis,  first of all , miss you and Terry at our weekly downtown jazz business mixer.
Mill creek park was obviously intimidated by the minority anti fracking ilk that showed up at their public meetings in force....
.all six of them.  This is all recorded, Mill creek park then even with its new head, basically shut the door on business with the new high tech oil and gas industry.  Result unlike the other top 10 Utica acreage holders reaping hundreds of millions for the betterment of their lands, the tail wagged the dog in Mill creek park, congratulations on sending this great down the path of a liberal park with all the crap and now the canabalizing among themselves, great job anti frackers, now deal with the mess.


Several citizens who oppose the current state of affairs at Mill Creek Park will be guests on the Louie Free Radio Show on Friday, April 8, starting at 9:00 a.m.


OK Ron, please provide specific details on how the extreme liberals controls the park? I'll wait......


When funding dries up, chaos ensues.

Poor Mill Creek, property taxes of the large landowners in Mahoning county are questioning paying for a park that has no idea how to run the day to day business.  This is what happens when the park cow tows to the few extreme liberal bent. 


Unfortunately when the public sees the park directors standing behind Young and his firings the belief becomes "you can't fight city hall"....and the members quit participating....we

have seen this way too often before in other movements.....