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Photo of Chaney Today

Started by jay, November 16, 2006, 04:38:26 PM

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y town streets

   Hi jay i even noticed there is a rain bow over the school. Did any one happen to notice that? how wierd


And here is a defunct link for West...
The horsey background and the front page layout with a center pic and  surrounding links are remnants from when I did the page for the old West Building.  The links and policies pages are leftovers too. Many many of the links probably don't work any more.  I put a ton of research into finding them.  At one point I was told that there were to be no links on the pages except to the other schools/Board pages. ..this after those links had been online for a couple of years with their approval ... then mysteriously I couldn't log on to remove the pages... and the new web people kept the links!  That could be why the page is defunct!

PS I was just browsing the YCS site and found that they took the links from the West page.  Their links page had very little previously.


Check this out.
I am familiar with the addresses of the school sites so I played around and found a site for Chaney that was published by the tech ed classes there.  Last date for the cafeteria calendar is Dec 2005. Last date for the bulletin is Jan. 2003.
I don't remember ever seeing this one online. was their old address.

Hmmmm..... wonder why it isn't being updated and why the BOE doesn't link to it.
Looks like it might have been a nice site.


I feel that the teachers do the best they can.
I also feel parents should be able to go to the board meetings and bring any valid issue to the table without prior approval.  Same stuff that goes on in city council.

In Jay's message about the vote not passing, I posted that maybe the BOE needs to listen to the parents and also needs to publish their plans openly so we all know what is happening with the long range plans for the school buildings.


And the Board can't understand why the tax payers have given them a vote of NO CONFIDENCE.

I don't blame the teachers as much as I do the administrators ... The question is ... what would it take to get their attention. With a mule, all it takes is a 2x4 up side the head.

Maby if ALL OF US stopped trying to defend the system and started really pushing hard for private schools to the point where it becomes too serious an issue for the Board to shut the public out, maby then we can get people in there who will listen to us SERIOUSLY.

You would think that the system would welcome folks like yourself who are willing to give of their time for the betterment of the City Schools. Here is a perfect case to prove that it's NOT ALWAYS the parents who are at fault. There are more parents that would gladly give of their time if it were not for the arrogance of the Board.

In other systems in the valley, there isn't this problem, so why should we have to put up with it a single second here in Youngstown.

The sooner we throw out the ENTIRE BOARD OF EDUCATION ... FIRE THE SUPERINTENDANT and bring in one that is competent, the sooner we will stop the downward slide of the City Schools.

When I was at Chaney the City School system had a great Superintendant and Board of Education that listened to the parents, and the schools were graduating more students who would go on to college, and the drop out rate was very low compared to today.


I was the webmaster for West Elem. for several years and  also helped teachers with web projects for their classes. The experience was very frustrating.  They only wanted the official sysops for each school  to work on the web pages and if the sysop had no experience, the board office took over and many pages were dissolved.  I can understand wanting control over the content but NO ONE that worked on pages did anything out of line.  Quite the opposite. The pages that  some of the school have up now are good but many need a lot of work, have dead sections, and the sysops are busy trying to keep up with teacher computer questions and issues in their buildings. The individuals that volunteered their time to help with the websites were not thanked, instead they were locked out. Chaney had it's own service/domain name, but was dissolved as well.  It is ironic, but someone brought it all up to me just yesterday and said that she still felt badly over the way I was treated.


That was rotten. What's wrong with our school officials anyway.

It's no wonder the people of Youngstown are fed up with the City School System.

The Board of Education has a "page" for Chaney but it's as worthless as it can be.


The site they had up was "unofficial"  It was their own domain name.  It was kept up by the teachers and students and it was really nice. They had to disban it.


I didn't know. I thought it was still up.

Why couldn't someone build an "UNOFFICIAL WEB SITE" for Chaney?

Tripod offers free web site space and Blogs that could be built in no time. I'm sure some of the students would love to build one ON THEIR OWN TIME.

When I built mine it took me a couple of weeks but I had so many links to locate and test, and if I do say so, it came out really nice and very uasy to maintain.

These young people are so computer literate that they could come up with a great one that we would all be proud of, and the stuff shirts at the so-called B of E couldn't say anything.


The picture should be turned over to Chaney to be used as thei official picture. That rainbow says it all for the school. Pt's absolutely beautiful even with the signs.


That is a cool picture!  Great job on catching that.   :)


I took this photo within the last half hour.