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Public Corruption

Started by Towntalk, November 22, 2015, 02:42:00 PM

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Peggy Gurney

~ Normal is overrated ~


Hopefully her spelling and grammar were better in the "old days" while writing all those daily newsletters!!


I enjoyed her posts but I did not want to read insult s at people she doesn't know.



Don't bother because I'm leaving this board on my own! This is my last post period!


Tt to your surprise I know most of the people mentioned in your post. They have complained to the moderator to ban you from this forum due to your vicious attacks that you made against some of the people on this blog. I have been soft shoe with you on this issue but my patience is running out with you. I will personally call you and I will tell you word by word what some of the bloggers think of you and I will not hold my tongue back with you.


And who might that be that I have driven away? Every year since coming here I posted wonderful Christmas programs with no thanks from 99% of the folks that come here. For all the time I've been here 90% of my posts have been historical, and few people cared. How many times have you posted events in ther 7th and 6th Wards? I gave up doing history stuff because no one cared enough to thank me, yet on 5 facebook pages I post historic stuff and no controversy and get encouraging responses. I'll be very honest with you ... I've lost a lot of interest in wasting my time with most of you.
Jay does a wonderful job promoting the West Side and the 6th Ward, and I admire him for his efforts, but there are some here that know of events and attend them but never take the time to promote them here even though that person makes a point of attending them. I truely respect Jay, and thank him for his hard work even though to some it might not seem so.
I respect Peggy and count her as a friend, and Dennis, and Rick, and Ron, and Kennyjoe330, and I don't find them complaining about my posts, nor has the owner of this site ever complained. I enjoy Rushblvd's post and respect Rush.
In the future, will I change? No on your life. Has Ron changed because someone didn't like his posts? No.
Or Dennis, or Rick? So if you don't feel comfortable with my posts just don't read them, it's as simple as all that. Your alternative would be to just enjoy my facebook page full of beautiful music.


Tt you can do the same reports when you had the ears of the radio station via newsletter on this blog. Your post s are welcome but the delivery must be toned down in order for you and others to have a civil dialogue. Some bloggers are not participating in this chat room due to your delivery mode. I am able to shrug off the copper head bites due to the years of working in a factory where no one is taken hostage. Keep on posting my friend with salty sassy posts, but at the end of the day you still want a "I agree to disagree with you posting audience". :D


For 15 years I was the wicked witch for 4 radio talk shows - 1 local and 3 syndicated who subscribed to my newsletters - 365 newsletters per year. I didn't get that by honeycoating the content of my newslertters ... they were tough as spikes ... and I was not out to make friends ... the truth is like a champion prize fighter's right uppercut or a Copperhead bite. There are no friends in the business I was in ... just enemies ... people who feared the truth because the truth is like a bare knuckled blow right between the eyes. That is why radio stations welcomed my newsletrters coming to them via their fax machines ... 12 pages of hard hitting facts plus a cover sheet. My newsletters made Matt Drudge look like a simpering wimp. I only retired the newsletter because of my own health, because I was working at a 9 hour a day job, 5 hours putting the newsletter together, another 4 hours taking care of personal business and the rest of the time sleeping. Later on I added a second job to my schedule which was part time. In a word, every single second of my time was accounted for and that was just between 1992 and 2002. From 1980 thru 1992 besides working, and my newsletters I was caring for my Mother and Stepfather. Dad died of Prostate Cancer and Mother a major Heart Attack. That is why today I have no patience with anyone and seek no friends other than the one I treasure like a brother, and 5 Cousins who I keep in daily touch with on facebook. I don't brag about my lot in life, nor do I care what anyone thinks of me. For me FRIENDSHIP must be earnrd and I put a very high price on my friendship.


Don't you think you can gather more honey with bees than vinegar?


I'm just reverting back to the days when I was publishing my daily radio talk show newsletter for the best talk hosts this market ever had. You want a sweet and gentle me, then stick to my facebook page, but here the gloves are coming off iwasthere. Anger; bitterness; meanness to the extreme are the biword from now on.


tt are you stirring up the pot?


A look at the list of all the public officials who have either been removed from office or sent to prison, most, if not all of those who lived inside the city of Youngstown lived in the 4th and 5th Wards.
And in the Oak Hill matter, how many West Siders are on the witness list?