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Started by Towntalk, June 17, 2015, 05:24:17 PM

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Peggy Gurney

I don't know but I hope to God they don't close it.
~ Normal is overrated ~


That, my friend is a great question, a great one indeed. Thank you for asking my hero. See ya on the 5th.


So - I have a question.  How long do you think the North Side Pool will stay open before the city will be forced to close it ?   Just asking !

Peggy Gurney

~ Normal is overrated ~


Peggy Gurney

I do agree with both Stewie and Allan.
~ Normal is overrated ~


LLS... Stewie, trust me... I TOTALLY get your point (and I agree with you, by the way..)

:::::   BUT  ::::::

Public safety is the RESPONSIBILITY  of the city/county - to US, THE PUBLIC.  This is why
our tax dollars pay for things like policemen, firemen, a health department, etc. The
general public has a right to assemble peaceably at a city swimming pool without
being threatened, harassed, intimidated, endangered, etc. 

Those who would perpetrate such actions HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO SO.  Closing a public
facility and denying the general public the right to use and enjoy it on account of some
kids with poor judgement and bad behavior is not a fair and equitable solution, to me.

Pretty simple logic.

Parents can only be held responsible for the actions of their kids to a certain extent,
after that, the kids THEMSELVES need to be held accountable for their OWN actions.  If
someone is being a threat to the safety or peaceful enjoyment of others, a public nuisance,
etc - order them to leave the area.  Arrest them if they refuse, or if they return after being
ordered to leave.  SHOW them that there are, indeed,  CONSEQUENCES for their misdeeds.

Their parents cannot watch over them and follow them around every single minute of every
single hour of every single day - it is physically impossible for any parent who has a job, etc
to be everywhere their child is, at every moment.

If they (the kids)  can't behave at the public pools, BAN THEM.  If they fail to adhere to the
ban, or adhere to their parents wishes and directives regarding their behavior at the pools,
citizens can enjoy these facilities and use them as they were intended to be used -
for the public good.

I am over-simplifying things here and I know it - but the logic is still sound. Don't close the pool
and send the wrong signal to the bad kids that it's okay and that they can keep getting away with

FIX the problem and make an example of all the offenders - send a message that the bad
behavior WILL NOT be tolerated and that they will suffer the consequences - PERIOD.


 ;D  I couldn't have said it any better  ;D


I really hope you meant to say that the PARENTS couldn't solve the problem with the kids.  The City is far to busy providing private lawn service, personal trash disposal, demolition of private homes, party planning, landlord services, and apparently now snow removal services to be a babysitter too.  If they get around to it they may patch a few potholes and put out a fire or two.


Quote from: jay on June 17, 2015, 09:05:23 PM
It's a darn shame that troublemakers continue to have such a negative impact on life in Youngstown.

It's an even bigger shame that the city couldn't solve the problem with the unruly kids, rather
than closing the pools.


Peggy Gurney

Proud to say the north side pool opened yesterday.   ;)
~ Normal is overrated ~


It's a darn shame that troublemakers continue to have such a negative impact on life in Youngstown.


The Lincoln Park pool was also closed because of troublemakers.


The west side does not have a public swimming pool.  Most folks were glad that it closed as there were too many problems with unruly teens.

The south side had TWO public swimming pools but both have closed for basically the same reasons that the west side pool closed.


Do our neighbors on the West Side have a public swimming pool?