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Bullet-Proof Vest Comment

Started by jay, September 25, 2006, 04:48:46 PM

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Youngstown's "dangerous" image go's as far back as the 1890's when out of town newspapers were declaring Youngstown the most dangerous city in Ohio. At one point a Vindicator article (early 1900's) said that downtown Youngstown was so dangerous that some of the city's prominant citizens refused to allow their families to venture there. Commerce Street was lined with gambling joints and houses of prostitution, and the East End was so bad that no respectable person from the North Hill would allow themselves be caught there in spite of the fact that some of them owned property there ... the East end was the slum of slums also known as the tenderloin and grinder district.

How then do we break away from an image that is over 100 years old?

y town streets

  If you were rail roaded by the system or what ever the so called higher ups did to him to make him belive thay were on his side then all of a sudden when he start to use his own mind and see things for what that really were basicly stoped kissing a , now he is on the death list.  you would were a vest to if you thought some one had a hit on you. its just a sham it even whent down like that any way. i guess if you got money you can pretty much do as you please to whome you please money is always right.


While I agree that only someone with the intent of doing something unsavory may feel the need to wear a bulletproof vest, I feel the mayor responded too quickly. Maybe he should respond as quickly to our citizens who are begging that something be done to decrease the criminal activity.  Look at the FBI statistics for 2005 and you'll find that Youngstown had more crime (murders especially) than Canton. Canton has a population similar to ours.

Our children cannot play outside in the front yard or ride bikes in the neighborhood anymore.  Since summer began, there have been way too many shootings.  People in cars have been shooting at others in cars and shooting at houses up and down a street.  It probably won't be long before regular citizens begin to wear some kind of protective gear.

If Youngstown is so safe, why aren't businesses (who can pay more than $7/hour) climbing over each other to set up shop here?

My greatest wish is for Youngstown to become a great success.  It seems that our politicians have long but forgot about the citizens who actually care about building up our community.   

northside lurker

Quote from: Our 2¢ on September 25, 2006, 05:16:01 PM
and everyone knows it's NOT the norm anywhere!  Especially when you consider the cost of even the cheapest vests.
Yes, but people WANT to believe this about Youngstown.  Or, they might think twice about visiting, if they think this might be true.  Remember, for most people outside this area, their only knowledge of Youngstown comes from that City Confidential episode, and remarks like this.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


That is one of the most ignorant things said!   >:(  He wasn't even near Youngstown when he was stopped.

Only someone with intent on doing something that could get themselves shot at would go to the extreme of wearing a vest.

Anyone that has ever worn one knows how uncomfortable they can be, and everyone knows it's NOT the norm anywhere!  Especially when you consider the cost of even the cheapest vests.


Mayor Jay Williams is very upset about a Columbus lawyer's comment that Maurice Clarett, his client, came from a neighborhood in Youngstown where wearing a bullet-proof vest was the norm.

Is Mayor Williams over-reacting?