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Starting A Business in Youngstown

Started by Leah, July 05, 2006, 11:29:42 AM

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Quote from: Rick Rowlands on July 15, 2006, 06:52:38 PM
How about some finacial assistance to ALL residents who want to start a business?  I don't qualify for assistance because I'm a white male and our family income is above their threshold for "low income".  However with some help I could employ two people within a year.

I would never voluntarily fill out any form the government gives me.  You're just asking for trouble.

If you won't fill out their forms you have no way of knowing if you qualify. 

I agree that this area/country/world is tough financially.  It has been my experience that people of all economic/ethnic and social backgrounds experience financial difficulties. 

Be thankful that you are fortunate enough to have a job that keeps you from being "low income".

Rick Rowlands

How about some finacial assistance to ALL residents who want to start a business?  I don't qualify for assistance because I'm a white male and our family income is above their threshold for "low income".  However with some help I could employ two people within a year.

I would never voluntarily fill out any form the government gives me.  You're just asking for trouble.


Thanks for the info, Jay.  What a great program.


I learned about this program at the YAEDA meeting.  It is geared toward lower income individuals and is administered by the Economic and Community Development Institute.

Individual Development Account (IDA)
An Individual Development Account is a match saving account program that provides one dollar for every dollar a client saves.  The IDA program promotes self-sufficiency and positive savings habits by rewarding clients for saving money.  The savings and match dollars can be used for down payment assistance for first time home buyers, to start of expand a small business, or for post secondary education.

For more information contact:

Economic and Community Development Institute
20 West Federal Street, Suite 2C
Youngstown, Ohio  44503
phone: 330-259-0454


I had a great experience with the Small Business Development Center.

I attended their Business Start-Up seminar last night.  It's free and 3 hours packed with very useful information.  The staff member giving the seminar seems very knowledgable and dedicated to helping people start businesses.  I have an appointment to meet with him one on one today.

The Small Business Development Center is a wonderful resource. 

northside lurker

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


Westsider:  Thanks for the info.  I saw the post too.  I considered attending, but I was under the impression that it was for people who wanted to start arts and entertainment businesses based Downtown.  I didn't think my business type would be appropriate.  I guess I was wrong.  Now, I'm sorry I missed it.

I contacted the SBDC by phone yesterday.  I had a lot more success that way than by filling out their lengthy web form.  They are having a seminar on July 10th.  It's free and open to the public.  Then, on the 11th, I have an appointment to talk to someone one on one about my specific plans/goals/etc.

I'll keep you guys posted on my experiences and progress.

I've heard Mayor Williams mention several times the importance of supporting local residents who want to start their own businesses.  I'm anxious to see if the city truly stands behind what he says.

I'm beginning to think starting one's own business is the only way to make it in this town.  Yes, there are jobs out there, but there is so much competition for jobs that you would think no one would even want.  Then, if you do land one of these jobs, you still aren't making enough money to pay your bills.  It's tough out there.

If enough of us start our own businesses, I really think it will benefit the community as a whole.  Instead of complaining that there are no jobs...we could be creating jobs, first for ourselves, then for others.

northside lurker

I realize this doesn't help you now, but on June 14th there was a business expo downtown.

Here's to the announcement made here.  Maybe you attended?

If you missed it, maybe there might be someone at the Youngstown Arts & Entertainment
District Association website who could give you the information presented there.

A CPA from my office attended, and she thought there was a lot of good information. (she has relatives who are thinking about starting businesses, and because she's a CPA, they just hand here all the paperwork to fill out for them. ;D)
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


Has anyone had any experience with the Youngstown Small Business Development Center?  

A while back, I came accross their website while looking for help in starting a coffee roasting business.  They had a lengthy form to fill out with questions about your prospective business, etc.  I filled it out and never heard anything back.  Anyway...plans for that endeavor have been put on hold.

I am currently looking to start a credit repair business.  This is something I already do for my mortgage clients, free of charge, with much success.  I'd like to turn it into another stream of income since the mortgage and real estate market is pretty unstable right now.

I have found some vague information on start-up requirements through the Ohio Department of Development and the Ohio Department of Commerce.  But, I need more help to make sure that I'm doing everything legitimately.  

What resources are available through the City or County for entrepeneurs?  Of course I would welcome grants and other types of financial assistance, but what I need more is someone who can advise a first time business owner about what needs to be done and where to start.

Any entrepeneurs out there with advice or experiences to share?