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Beef About Beef

Started by Towntalk, May 29, 2013, 11:15:29 PM

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Billy Mumphrey

Thank you for the link. Upon reading it, the article said the ethanol industry did lobby Congress to increase the production of ethanol (corn) fuels. However, I still don't see the report saying the environmentalists were responsible for getting Congress to pass legislation to increase ethanol production. I guess you believe environmentalists have that much influence over the ethanol industry.

northside lurker

Quote from: Rick Rowlands on May 30, 2013, 07:31:32 PM
Maybe you CAN do your own research but you WON'T do it. Here this took me about 20 seconds to find.

The problem we are having is that the US govt. has mandated that a certain amount of ethanol be produced every year.  That number constantly increases year by year, so when you have a drought that is reducing yields coupled with an increasing guaranteed demand for ethanol corn, the corn price will obviously rise. 

Generally, if someone makes a claim, they are responsible for backing it up. (at least on the internet)
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison

Rick Rowlands

Maybe you CAN do your own research but you WON'T do it. Here this took me about 20 seconds to find.

The problem we are having is that the US govt. has mandated that a certain amount of ethanol be produced every year.  That number constantly increases year by year, so when you have a drought that is reducing yields coupled with an increasing guaranteed demand for ethanol corn, the corn price will obviously rise. 

Billy Mumphrey

I can do my own research. However, I would still like the person who posts as Rick Rowlands to cite at least one specific article that backs up his statemnt blaming environmentalists as driving up corn prices so that farmers can't feed cows and thus beef prices are rising. Since my short time on this board it has become clear he has a problem with environmentalists. I would just like to see him back his claims that attack environmentalists. Thank you.


Sure did Rick. Any time you post a link I go to it. Have a great day my friend.

Rick Rowlands

Did you click on my link?  Its a bit of a jab at people who ask questions on forums instead of searching themselves. 


First, I want to see Billy do his own homework ... By going to my web site he could get all his questions answered ... secondly, I've restarted my newsletter and haven't the time to devote to doing research for others. As it is, I'm spending 8 to 10 hours on my own research, editing, publishing the newsletters and faxing them to my subscribers. Then there are the special requests from one of my main subscribers that eats up time.

Rick Rowlands


No one is saying anything about environmentalists ... it's a weather question so I suggest that you go to the Weather Channel ... Accuweather or Weather Underground.

By the way, normally I charge a fee for research, but make exceptions here in dealing with Youngstown History and local media. In the future please don't expect me to do research for you on topics that I normally get paid for.

Billy Mumphrey

Maybe I'm blind, but I looked at all the previous links and none of them said anything about environmentalists causing corn prices to rise and makeing farmers no longer able to feed cows.

All the articles blamed the severe drought.


I take WKBN and the farmer's word for it ... are they wrong? No. Are they lying? No. Is it some grand conspiracy to raise the cost of beef? If that's the case, then we must also believe that the government is hiding the fact that there i no gold in Fort Know, and UFO's.

Billy Mumphrey

What source can you site that says environmentalists are causing corn prices to rise and makes farmers no longer able to feed cows?

Rick Rowlands

One of the unintended consequences of letting environmentalists create public policy.  Can't feed cows with corn because it all has to go to making ethanol.  Stupid, stupid, stupid...

Billy Mumphrey

Thanks...I'll have to stop by and check it out!