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"We the People Kick Fractivist Butt in Youngstown!"

Started by Youngstownshrimp, May 07, 2013, 11:02:39 PM

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I saw a fractivist yesterday, everything was cordial.  They are probably still stunned that community organizing doesn't work when industry and production rolls in.


If you said the sky was green, my friend, I'd head on down to the storm cellar and wait out the storm which would be a big one. Areal humdinger of a storm.

northside lurker

Quote from: Towntalk on May 09, 2013, 01:33:54 PM
You are entitled to your own opinion, just I am to mine, and I stand by mine.

It was never my intention to suggest otherwise.

But if I said: "it is my opinion that the sky is green" I would expect someone to ask me for clarification.  Of course, I have the advantage of knowing Susie and Phil in real life.  So, my opinion of them is based on more than what is shown in news coverage.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


You are entitled to your own opinion, just I am to mine, and I stand by mine.

northside lurker

Quote from: Towntalk on May 09, 2013, 09:05:03 AM
First Grade Level:

Susie and Phil are in favor of economic development so long as it meets with their approval, and if it doesn't, they are going to fight it ... witness the gas and oil issue ... ie fracking for those not familiar with the all consuming issue of the day here in the valley.

This is no different from anyone else.  But, you suggested that Susie and Phil achieved some unofficial power to approve or disapprove the opening of any new business.  Additionally, in the first post of yours I replied to, you implied that they expected bribes in exchange for their "blessing."

QuoteSusie for her part runs a couple of non-profits that are always seeking donations for their projects, so even a first grader knows that the bigger the donation, the more inclined she would be to keep her mouth shut.

I don't know for a fact if Phil runs a non-profit organization, but human nature tells me that if he had a doner on the hook with a big fat wallet, that he would also go that extra mile not to offend that doner. It's human nature 101.

I disagree.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


First Grade Level:

Susie and Phil are in favor of economic development so long as it meets with their approval, and if it doesn't, they are going to fight it ... witness the gas and oil issue ... ie fracking for those not familiar with the all consuming issue of the day here in the valley.

Susie for her part runs a couple of non-profits that are always seeking donations for their projects, so even a first grader knows that the bigger the donation, the more inclined she would be to keep her mouth shut.

I don't know for a fact if Phil runs a non-profit organization, but human nature tells me that if he had a doner on the hook with a big fat wallet, that he would also go that extra mile not to offend that doner. It's human nature 101.

northside lurker

Quote from: Towntalk on May 08, 2013, 09:32:58 PM
westsider, if you don't understand a clearly phrased statement of opinion, then nothing I might add to it will help one iota.

Let me rephrase the question, then.  On what are you basing your opinion?

As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't seem to be anything found in reality.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


It is amazing and satisfying to me to see many of us finally "getting it."  It surely has been a long road from years ago blogging on this site , from fighting to now almost coming together for Youngstown's progress.  I actually beleive it is because of Youngstown's new found wealth and the light at the end of the tunnel to finally see prosperity again and production.
YTown, start a business, go ahead, don't try it.  Many fortunes were made by people even in their 60's.  Find a need and fill it, more than ever now is the time to start with oil money rolling in.


I wish you all the good fortune in the world my friend.


Quote from: Youngstownshrimp on May 08, 2013, 07:01:05 PM
Have you approached the various energy companies invested in the Valley yet and what was there response?

Actually to tell you the truth, I've had enough of the manufacturing industry. I'm 46 yrs old and have 20 some years to go until retirement and frankly I don't believe that mfg will give me that many. I've been laid off 4 times in the last ten years, the three since 2009 were all permanent. I know a few guys laid off in their mid to late 50s that have been through several near minimum wage jobs trying to scrape by to  retirement and really don't want to follow in their footsteps. One older lady with almost 30 yrs in some kind of shipping/logistics position has waited on me a few times over the last year or so at McDonalds.

My plan is to bank somewhat on what Rick has posted and open a local franchise of a national service business related to a specific type of home, and business repair. I would divulge more but I'm still in the early stages of the process, trying to make sure we can pull off the start up phase without going broke. Not being a business man makes this pretty tough to figure out.


Jay, read my statement again ... I clearly said non-elected people as opposed to those we elect. Non-elected = each and every Joe Bag of Doughnuts that lives and works in the city but doesn' hold an elected position.


westsider, if you don't understand a clearly phrased statement of opinion, then nothing I might add to it will help one iota.


QuoteI'm sick and tired of elected people acting like they are the undisputed almighty authority over everything under the sun; moon; stars; and planets where Youngstown is concerned!

In Youngstown, it's the elected officials who continually ignore the input/advice from the residents of the city.

northside lurker

Quote from: Towntalk on May 08, 2013, 08:41:26 PM
Rick: Susie and Phil are not totally opposed to new businesses coming into the city, but they set conditions, and those conditions are that the businesses wanting to locate in the city come to them on bended knees and seek their blessing before they even go through norman channels, and I wouldn't be a bit supprised if our "friends" didn't have their hands out for an envelope of cold hard cash before they would give the businesses their blessing.

Who gave Phil and Susie the power to determine Youngstown's future any way? By what legal authority do they act. I'm sick and tired of non-elected people acting like they are the undisputed almighty authority over everything under the sun; moon; stars; and planets where Youngstown is concerned!

It's one thing for us to sit here and express our opinions we do not act as if we are in control of the city's future with powers that go above and beyond the legal authorities that were duely elected by the voters.

What on Earth are you talking about!?!
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


QuotePeople need to eat- there are restaurant jobs
People need to drive their pickups to the job sites.  Those trucks need repaired, maintained, etc.
People need places to live.  Short term that means hotel jobs, long term that means house construction, remodeling, landscaping, etc.
People need entertainment.  Movies, shows, sports, museums etc.
People need groceries.  Store cashiers, clerks, stock boys etc.
People have children.  Daycare, schools, toys-r-us etc.

I, everyone on this board, and everyone in the valley have and will continue to maintain these same jobs.