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How should we protect vacant buildings?

Started by jay, February 14, 2004, 08:23:17 AM

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Another idea to protect vacant buildings is to write legislation mandating that an active alarm system must be installed in every building including those which are not currently occupied.


Since I started this topic, I'll make the first suggestion.

Unfortunately, the city's attitude is that the downtown buildings belong to the private sector, and the city doesn't deal with private property.  In reality, many of the buildings were purchased by the city and given to the CIC to market.  The city should adopt the vision that all of the downtown buildings make up the assets of the downtown and should be secured, rehabilitated, and marketed.

At a minumum, all vacant buildings should be secured whether the owner is forced to do it by citation for failure to maintain his property, or the city does it and then places a lean on the property taxes.

In addition, a downtown beat police officer should be required to check the ground level entrances nightly to make sure they are secure.  

The numerous downtown revitalization groups and concerned private citizens should be part of this too.  They should set up a downtown block watch system to check on the vacant buildings during daylight hours on a random schedule.  These patrols should have a direct radio link to the downtown beat patrol car.  Chances are that many of the buildings would be better protected from further vandalism and those responsible apprehended.[/size][/b]


How can we protect vacant downtown buildings from further vandalism?