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"Youngstown's Bike Trail"

Started by Youngstownshrimp, June 19, 2012, 09:57:48 PM

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Ricky, again why should we help your kind who do nothing but spit on us and then expect us to lift a finger to help you?

We're not that stupid.....


My pleasure my friend. Oh and what did you think of the video I linked to at Amphitheater?


I always can count on you tt thanx .   Your video was mind opening.


Ron I just blasted off an email to Father Peters incorporating two of your posts that give details about the bike trail. Hope it helps.

Rick Rowlands

You have summed up the situation precisely Dennis.  Your ilk will just sit on your butts, allow someone else to do the work and then swoop in and enjoy the fruits of others labor.   Then you wonder why the cards seem to be stacked against the "disadvantaged".  Well with an attitude like that it is no wonder.


Ron, why would any occupiers lift a finger to help you after they have berated, belittled, and trashed on this site?

just about every "occupier" and liberal has been driven from this now have Rick and all the conservative pro-frackers on this site build

the bike trail and zip line....

Us occupiers will wait for you little red hens to build it and then we'll use it!!!!!!!!

Rick Rowlands

You are talking about the former Lake Erie & Eastern Railroad right of way.  Yes it would be possible to start at Performance Place, climb the embankment to get on the ROW, then cross over Crescent Street on the bridge and follow the line all the way to Pike Street.  Then back down to Oak Hill.  With a little bit of street running to West Avenue to Tod and right down into Mill Creek Park.  Also at West Ave. one could go along the river to the B&O Station. 


At the Jazz gig last night, former Judge Kerrigan and Father Peters want help in the Mahoning river bike trail I laid out months ago, with NO occupiers lifting a finger to do. 
They have asked for my study and I said I will give it to them.
TT, need your help in sending this work here to Father Peters of Sacred Heart, he has my number, but I already sent it to Kerrigan who will see the Mayor.  So if you can get this to father Peters, it would help :)


I think the Green Party should make this a project of theirs, I'll call Jim.  I have already invested time in this rough draft.


A no brainer, almost completed route:
1.  Going east from Performance park, most of the land is held by Allied.  But...Ohio Edison has a right of way until Struthers where the City of Struthers has acreage along the Mahoning.  After Struthers is lands held by Castlo and the rest is CSX into Lowelville.
2.  Going northwest  to the Trumbull line is mostly City of Youngstown lands.


Additional info.
1.  Castlo has several miles of abandoned rail right-of-way and they have already expressed interest in a trail.
2.  Underneath (hidden asset) the abandoned rail line is an abundance of gravel to use for base of a trail.
4.  These trails can lead into downtown Youngstown, Struthers and Lowellville, infusing traffic and business into their jurisdictions.


Several years ago, as a member of Town One Streetscapes, I worked on a plan on a feasiblity study on a hiking path from Poland woods all the way down Yellow Creek to the Mahoning river.  All the mayors were invited and all the yes, yes, yes were heard and nothing.  Today, one of those attendees called me up and directed me to a Phil Kidd FB shout-out for a biking trail through Youngstown, picking up Lowellville and Trumbull county.  I'm gettin tired of these great ideas and no one seems to have drive to get her done.  Just like the Lodges I suggested for Mill Creek park?  All the locals would rather be anti-fracking.  Why should I bother anymore when my associates are doing so well in land ownership?  Probably because I see this Valley as being a gem when it comes to its land, it is the people that I find completely dependent.
If the hipsters of Youngstown really want a bike trail, they need to work at it, and if they do, it may not be as insurmountable as a pie-in-the-sky dream.  Of course we are talking about a class of people who always had things easy and given to them.  Here is how they can gain critical mass on a bike trail:
The City has five inconspicuous acreage that are old abandoned rail lines on the south bank of the Mahoning.  These parcels added together would give the trail significant acreage and significant miles for a trail.  Begin with the two parcels between the South avenue bridge and the old B&O (53-062-301.01(4.9 acres), 53-046-0-311.01(5.2 acres).  The City also owns 53-031-0-178.01 (3acres) , 53-036-0-072.01 (2.9 acres) and 53-036-0-072.01 (4.6 acres).  The City landbank held this acreage for decades generating NO taxes whatsoever.  Defend Youngstown can request these parcels totaling 20.6 ACRES.  These acres would give this project a tremendous kickstart and additional parcels of right -of-way can be requested from private owners that follow this abandoned line. This line leads into bike trails existing at both ends, not to say tweaking is not going to be necessary.  This critical mass has also a hidden asset, THE MINERAL RIGHTS ($100,000) that will initially fund this project, if it isn't sucked up in entitled salaries by the hipsters.  And, once the royalties flow, more funds for upkeep will be available.  Bottomline, this scenario is a God send startup and can be implemented immediately if only Defend Youngstown really wants to work and not just bloviate.