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The Need for Drilling

Started by ytowner, December 01, 2011, 09:26:51 AM

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Shrimp, you're fracking me up!!! :) ;) :D ;D :laugh:


I think Dr. Dick is a capitalist agent of the fracking companies, he has no shame endorsing the harvesting of our energy.  Fracking destroys the universe, the sun is now endangered of imploding because of the excess release of fracking fluids by drilling.  In addition, not only is the water table being polluted and now a flamethrower, frack fluid is now entering the oceans and is endangering the whale and starfish.  Because of injection wells, the weight of the oceans pulled by the moon is now tipped by these wells wherein massive earthquakes are now amongst us.  With all this man made disaster, we must all go back to bicycles and cutting down the forest to heat ouselves.


Funny how Dr. Dick is the ONLY YSU Geologist ever interviewed about fracking...

Why does the media only quote Dr. Dick? I know of other members of the geology dept. at YSU that are anti-fracking....
why are they never interviewed?

Dr. Dick  must be getting a pretty nice hand out from the pro-fracking forces and companies.....


" I Love the Smell of Fracking in the Morning!"

Rick Rowlands

Dr. Jeffrey Dick, Geologist from YSU was on WKBN Monday morning for an hour discussing this topic.  Basically, the dangers of fracking are greatly overblown, the State of Ohio's regulations are more stringent than Pennsylvania's or the Federal government's regulations, and the area will reap many benefits from this new industry.



Quote from: irishbobcat on December 04, 2011, 08:04:47 PM
Such a sad state of affairs when you see pro-fracking capitalists like Shrimp taking
such glee in damaging other people's water and soil through the toxic fracking process....

How low and dishonest are pro fracking folks when they confess to loving the fact that they
have no problem destroying our environment....they even refer to this as life being good....

Pro fracking folks are like the snake that tricked Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.....
they get a kick out of destroying God's creation of land and water......

Like the fracking folks are pure evil.....people, please be on your guard when a
snake or shrimp come calling.....
So a good 55-65% of people in MV that support it are evil? And that number may be even more... i lowballed it.


Such a sad state of affairs when you see pro-fracking capitalists like Shrimp taking
such glee in damaging other people's water and soil through the toxic fracking process....

How low and dishonest are pro fracking folks when they confess to loving the fact that they
have no problem destroying our environment....they even refer to this as life being good....

Pro fracking folks are like the snake that tricked Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.....
they get a kick out of destroying God's creation of land and water......

Like the fracking folks are pure evil.....people, please be on your guard when a
snake or shrimp come calling.....


Ahhhhhhhhh........yes,  so nice to see free enterprise rushing back into Youngstown just like the rush of natural gas out of a quicksilver rig.  Don't see or hear much of the Green loosers here anymore, the real GREEN team has arrived, first green aquaculture now , Green fuel.  Even the Marxist Community organizers are hiding behind their pork jobs which are soon to be defunded.  What a life now that the work is almost complete, the working class are coming in and soon we will outnumber the entitled savages.  Got to love it, defunding of the pork is happening while free enterprise is rushing right in, life is so good for the capitalist right now.


You support destroying the water and land of your neighbors....

You support not telling the truth to home owners about the dangers of fracking.....
you fail to tell homeowners about all the deadly toxic chemicals that will be pumped down their
well holes.....

You support the practice of telling land owners that only "sand and water" are pumped into the drill
sites.....a fat out lie.....

You support the eventual destruction of our environment....

You support the dirty fracking agenda of Dick Cheney and Dubya Bush.....and that's really frightening....


Quote from: irishbobcat on December 04, 2011, 10:35:48 AM
Youngstown will not get rich from fracking.......

It is indeed a sad time in the valley when shrimpy little men make a buck with fracking
by failing to tell the truth to land owners about the dangers of fracking to their water and land.....

Fracking land men lie to homeowners about how safe fracking is.....they will continue to
take their money...and when the water goes bad and land is worthless...they will say "oh well"
and hide like the little bitty shrimps they are.....

The fracking land men sucks the life out of those poor individuals who swallow hook, line, and sinker
by waving a little dollar bill in front of their noses....

Seems like these individuals who support fracking are the same individuals who support every
shady business deal that comes down the pike.....can't wait to see what their next
dirty little scheme is.....
We support JOBS. It is obvious you are against jobs like V&M and others that are getting our economy back on track!!!


Youngstown will not get rich from fracking.......

It is indeed a sad time in the valley when slimy individuals make a buck with fracking
by failing to tell the truth to land owners about the dangers of fracking to their water and land.....

Fracking land men lie to homeowners about how safe fracking is.....they will continue to
take their money...and when the water goes bad and land is worthless...they will say "oh well"
and run away after the damage is done...

Seems like these individuals who support fracking are the same individuals who support every
shady business deal that comes down the pike.....can't wait to see what their next
dirty little scheme is.....


Yes!  I can't wait for the rigs to get going, gathering pipes laid and the mandating of the entitled abled bodied to get into the ditches and start working instead of sitting on their asses. Boy is Youngstown going to boom again like it was built for.  And all the lower class lazy loosers will be priced out of the market and have to move  out of prosperity away from the DOers of the new Youngstown.  Only productive people will return to Youngstown which will even propell us further into advancement.  Community organizing Marxist will wither away into the hills to start guerilla warfare but they will fail, there ideology is outdated.


Yes, you pro frackers may score with handing out cash, but in the end you folks
will not be there to help land owners who have poisoned water and land....
when their property loses all it's values, you pro-frackers will not lift a finger or spend a dime to help.....

You folks will remain the cold-hearted, rutless, money bastards that you are......

I can sleep at night knowing I take the moral high ground on this issue......and am on the right side....

You folks are simply pure evil......enjoy your eternity in hell......


Quote from: irishbobcat on December 03, 2011, 11:43:54 AM
Ricky...fracking is not a safe procedure......

what will you say and do for the families who have their water supply tainted?

Will you and the fracking companies conpensate them for the damages caused by fracking?

Will you buy them a new home? New land? Will you pay for their medicial expenses?

You will do nothing but shrug your shoulders and say "oh well"......

Like I said, the radical environmentalists can only use the last play in their playbook, environmental scare tactics, to get their point across.

It is not going to happen IrishBobcat. Drilling has been taking place and tons more will soon be started. People locally are getting upwards of $5000/acre and 20% royalties.

Very exciting times in Youngstown!