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We're Number One

Started by jay, November 03, 2011, 08:20:08 AM

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Rick Rowlands

Just think about it.  Government has become so controlling of all of our lives that we all automatically started looking to them for answers.   Are we so freaking helpless that unless govt. does everything for us then nothing gets done?  There once was a time when people got up off of their asses and actually controlled their own destiny.  Imagine that! 

Govt. has been the cause of much unemployment in this area, and the trend is likely to increase.  The employees over at Patriot just learned of the effect govt. has on employment.

A quick way to reduce that poverty rate is to close down the projects and hand out one way bus tickets to anywhere but here.   Lets export the parasite class!




A republican is running for the council seat in the fifth ward of Youngstown.  He has failed to show up for any of the candidates' forums.

I can't understand why he would miss a FREE chance to publicize his candidacy.


Hey congress is the best gig in town........... Vote yourself a raise and everything.........
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


I agree with you 100% plus Towntalk it is BOTH PARTIES worried about "who is in control" and who backs and votes for THEM ranther than the what is BEST FOR THE COUNTRY ON THE WHOLE ! ! !  Talk about "the public sector" having it so good - what about congress where else can you retire after four years on full salary and benefits AND become a lobbyist or better yet a "consultant" and be exempt from Federal laws applicable to everyone else ? 


I seem to remember the name, Hunter, early to mid 70's?

And yes Mckelvey is more center than most.......

So we've had at least 30 years of Democrat rule....

And we are the poorest in the Nation...........

Doesn't mean there's any connection..........

<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


The last Republican administration that I know of was that of Jack Hunter, but while a Democrat, McKelvey performed more like a Republican than Democrat.


Just wondering, when was the last time that Republicans had any control in Youngstown?
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


You can blame the Obama administration and Congress for the pityful state of the national economy, but who do you blame for the sad state of the local economy?

Both Democrats and Republicans have made a shambles of our beloved country, yet we still refuse to hold them accountable at the polls come election time because we're too busy fighting amongst ourselves over which party has the answer when the fact of the matter is that neither party has the answer or the will to change things around.

Youngstown leads nation with poverty rate of 49.7%


From Today's Newspaper

Youngstown leads the nation on the list of the poorest cities.  The poverty rate in Youngstown is 49.7%.