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"6435 Hits on Marcellus Blog Site"

Started by Youngstownshrimp, August 23, 2011, 08:18:16 AM

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Rick Rowlands

Could it really be true?  That we have driven off the court jester? Wow. What will it ever be like around here to have intelligent conversations again.

Let's celebrate!

BTW Dennis, don't let the door hit you on the way out!



Fine, continue to be friends with Shrimpy....

I really don't care anymore........

Best of luck in your future doings.....may God bless you on your journey.......

It's time for me to move on with my life.....and it looks like this discussion board should no longer be a part of it......

Tim Sokoloff


Iron Soup is only days away from what as far as we know will be the first solar powered residential street lights in the county, and maybe even the state.

As for Ron Screwing us over LOL, he tries to circumvent our ideals on a regular, we are just to smart to allow that sort of behavior. He still hangs in there however because he when the earthquake his fracked up friends are going to cause comes he wants to make sure we leave a light on for him.

Being a friend of Ron is no different than being friends with my attorney buddy in Seattle Washington who's main field of representation I won't even get into hear as that is a whole other controversial topic for a whole other blog. People can only screw you over if you let them and they can only get over on you if you are not properly armed with wit and knowledge.

We certainly seen how the demolition party and shrimp building project on Delmar turned out didn't we. This is Historic Residential Neighborhood and I assure you it is going to stay that way and in the near future we will have much more solar and wind power, orchards, a micro farming facility, an aquaculture unit and a considerable .... what were they called in WW II, .... Oh year VICTORY GARDEN.

Sad however that chances are we will have to do it all on our own for the most part. You can bash me and Ron all day long but the bottom line is the guy has invested both time and money to help further our endeavors into ending the use of fossil fuels as well as preserving our history.

Maybe it is his way of atoning for the damage that he knows is being done by fracking, maybe he understands that the real scientists are right and this process will cause a major disaster and he wants to know he is safe from the wrath, in any sense we as a group are not interested in the motives of those who want to help us, we just need the help.

Whatever Ron does, good or bad, IS ON RON. We are doing a great thing up on our hill that involves a lot more than cutting grass and pulling weeds. We have receipts for over 7K in electrical, paint, trim, molding, plumbing and other improvements here in the last few months that have come almost entirely out of our own pockets, with the exception of the money we raised from what Ron and his Partner Bill donated to us.

As for kissing butt, I believe all I asked is for you to disclose, since you are so adamant about the  destruction fracking is causing, what it is that you personally are doing to offset the destruction caused by the Oil Industry as a whole.

Do you recycle your aluminum cans?

Do you recycle your metal cans, paper, cardboard, do you have the little yellow bins out at your curb every two weeks?

Do you put appliances, toasters, electronic equipment that has gone bad into the trash?

What do you drive?

Do you look for recycled paper products instead of regular ones?

Yea Ron has no care for the environment as a whole and neither do any of his associates involved in Fracking. Any scientist or engineer worth his salt knows that, but Ron is not on here claiming that he has any love for the environment. He straight up says loud and clear, I am in it for the money, which is screwed up, but it is what it is.

I try to maintain a platform of facts, figures and provable truths and leave the name calling and child like comments on the way side. I am just hoping that people will see the cooperation that Ron and I are fostering, even though we are WAY ON TWO DIFFERENT SIDES OF THE STREET, and maybe that will inspire other people to help US reach our goals.

As for being full of myself I would be happy to take any test, ASVAB, SAT, College Entrance, Engineering exam in any discipline, or any other test you would like to happily show that I am not full of myself, just full of knowledge.

At the age of 12 I already had amassed 168 Continuing education units from the Heath University via correspondence in everything from computer science to fiber optics technologies, which at that time were unheard of. I had also mastered both two and four stroke engine technologies well before that age, and in eighth  grade I built and flew a 1/4 scale model of the space shuttle who's SRB's were made from re manufactured rocket engines and who's main engines were powered by old freon tanks filled with hydrogen and oxygen.

For those who know the SAD PATH that my life eventually took, they also know I had the knowledge and the ability to do or be anything I so desired but like Ron I chose to pursue a dark path of Monetary gain without thinking about the consequences to those around me or to myself for that matter. This path ended up in my life coming to a crashing halt and now I can not get a job at burger king because of my record.

Like me, Ron may have a day of reckoning also as no matter how old you are we all live and learn. Since I left my unfortunate circumstances however I have dedicated my life to being a volunteer for the right, a defender of good things, and am using all my knowledge and talents to try and benefit my community.

So before you come on here with immaturity, name calling and third grade rhetoric I suggest you compile some information in regards to what you are doing to make our world, or at least our local community a better place. Frankly I am very disappointed that someone in your position, especially someone in your position would even engage in such behavior.

Lastly if Ron really is doing something illegal, if he really is the CRIMINAL you keep accusing him of being, then someday soon, somewhere down the line he will meet the same fate I did.

Personally, although I think there are much better uses for all the vacant land in Ohio, someone has to do something with it because in the end all we really have are a bunch of deadbeat, non caring, non tax paying owners that all want to cry foul when someone who actually wants to do something in the community comes to take the property they are letting go to waste and doing nothing with.

America has become a country of complacent YOU OWE US SOMETHING FOR BEING AMERICAN people. I always laugh at the unemployment rate in our valley as I see now hiring signs in many places but sit and listen to the free benefit collecting bums in and around our neighborhood talking about "Man there ain't no jobs no where" or making excuses about not having transportation.

I see these same guys walk ten blocks to buy a 40 once of beer but they won't walk 500 feet to a bus stop to GO TO WORK but they sit around and watch our crew put in ten hour days seven days a week. Funny though people are more inclined to help them, than they are to help us.

Remember that we at Iron Soup stand for something, so we are not falling for anything. Irish I think you are a smart guy and for whatever reason you hate Ron, that is fine. I just want someone to step up and show what they are doing to make a change, to fight against guys like Ron and his fracking buddies, to offset the destruction caused by the oil industry, that is how you make an impact, that is how you right the wrong, and that is how you fight the fight, not by coming on here and publicly acting like a three year old with all that nah nah nah nah nah your a little shrimpy .......

Seriously, from an educator ...... Really?  Show us what you are really made of an answer the questions I keep asking. Funny, but much like Ron we were first came on here you consistently fail to address my direct questions with answers. Why don't you show Ron, and the rest of us what you are made of and what you are doing to fight the good fight. 

So now let's see if you can make a post that reflects the level of intellect your position in the community is supposed to represent.

Best of Luck
Tim Sokoloff
Iron Soup Historical Preservation Company


The hits on are now at 8000, I did not realize there are so many capitalist!

irishbobcat about a lot of hot air........

Some people are really full of themselves......

There's a difference between defending criminals and taking land for fracking...Timmy-boy.....

In our society, all men are presumed innocent before being found guilty......

In Ron's case.....he takes the lies that the gas and oil companies feed him and still goes

out to swindle people's property knowing he can be inducing water and land damage on their acres.....

That's the problem...Timmy-boy.......

And again, just because he helps you clean out weeds and cut the grass on the hill in Campbell you will

come on here and kiss his butt and wipe it too.......

I'm glad he's your friend, Timmy.......wait til he screws you over too......

Tim Sokoloff

LOL yea that's what we are doing, digging out weeds. Glad to see the superior intellect is still intact. Ron is no different from the lawyers, politicians and other land owners who have done the exact same thing to so many people over the years. One of my best friends is an attorney and the first thing he told me when we got to know each other is never trust an attorney, even me. If we had to meet in court I would do whatever is necessary to get the job done.

If it were not for those who wanted the oil, wanted to use the technology and wanted to screw the planet, Ron would have to find a different line of work. I kiss no ones anything, like Ron, I follow the logical course to get the job done. Be assured that if an attempt is ever made again to put an aquarium in my back yard the story remains the same. I just let Ron get me out of my box as I so often due when the neighborhood I have been defending for that last four years is threatened. Everything has its place and we have a great place to do some urban aquaculture, but it is still only about 15% of our overall agricultural plans so as much as Ron really hopes we turn them all into fish tanks, we only have room for enough to grow seafood for our own uses, and maybe a little more.

As for telling lies to people WOW have you ever heard of politics. The way to avoid being lied to is to educate yourself and not be a dumb ass. So instead of sitting around on computers talking about how bad the bad guys are I ask again, what are you doing to offset the damage being incurred by all of this? What and where are your contributions to the good. You want to complain about the dark side of the force but I see my challenge to tell us all what you are doing in your life to make things better goes unanswered. I pose the same challenge to one and all. Before you come on hear to yadda yadda yadda, what have you done for the environment lately.

I personally can produce a list that my crew and I are and have done that would take up ten pages. Reducing our curb trash by 90%, recycling 5+ tons of material at minimum a year for the past four years. Preserving giant concrete structures that would otherwise be taking up epic amounts of landfill space, remodeling units with modern electric and more efficient wiring and systems, setting up solar panels for streetlights that will be coming on soon, and the list goes on and on.

If you are so adamant that things are so bad, you should seek out the land owners in the same fashion the company Ron works for does and go educate those people as to what they are getting themselves into. Wow imagine that, using your OWN TIME AND YOUR OWN MONEY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Come on now, who would do that, oh that right IRON SOUP WOULD DO THAT. Coming on here and just talking does nothing at all. And if you believe that making derogatory or slanted comments, especially in your position, does anything at all for your credibility, or your intellectual capital, well .... good luck with that.

I am a man of facts and Ron is doing the job he is paid to do just as a lawyer hired to defend a guilty party does what he has to do. You drive a vehicle that uses gas correct, or at least diesel. When you GET RID OR YOUR FUEL SUCKING IMPERIALISTIC PIG VEHICLE THAN YOU CAN COME ON HERE AND COMPLAIN ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO PUT THAT FUEL IN YOUR TANK.

Since I have abandoned the practice of owning a fossil fueled vehicle, I am sure I have more of a right to say that everyone who is participating in fracking and its total and complete deadly environmental impacts should bear the brunt of that impact when it comes. Unfortunately it will be the communities as a whole that will truly bear the burden, that is why we sleep very soundly at night here at the concrete condos, through gale force wind, rain, lightning, thunder, and earthquake, because we know we are surrounded by the best possible residential structures anywhere for hundreds of miles.

Remember, you can't lie to smart people, or fool them, con them, or any number of other things, that why they are called smart people. Ron and the other frackers take advantage of those who didn't bother to get a proper education in life. I still remember the first time I was truly hustled, I think I was 14, right before I started my first business.

It was a learning experience, and it made me smarter, and stronger for it. I want to hear some facts, and some action in regards to who is doing what to offset all this deadly blowing up of the earth underneath us. Name calling and whining about those who are not intellectually capable of taking care of their own business is ridiculous. As I told Ron when we argued, produce some results, some photos, some video, some evidence of what you are doing to change things.

I have a website full of what we are doing.

It would amaze me if we could get a true intellectual debate going on here about the whole oil thing, and I certainly would love to see some other environmentally minded people out here making comments, but in the end, no one really cares. 90% of the planet is interested in their own bottom line and most can't see past that.

All I can say is if we can accomplish just one thing that will help to further the transition from fossil based fuels to renewable resources, we have done OUR JOB, and we will have saved an incredible piece of American History in the process.

Best Regards
Tim Sokoloff
Iron Soup Historical Preservation Company



The fact that Shrimpy will tell lies to people as a land man to get them

to turn over their land for fracking and inviting damage to their land and water is DEAD WRONG>>>>>>>

You may want to kiss his butt because he helps you dig out weeds in Campbell, but I will not.......

Tim Sokoloff

Ummm Irish, here is a little news flash, again I have to go back to the number of smart people in the valley. RON DIDN"T INVENT FRACKING. He has no engineering degree, and although he is not technically clueless, and has done some somewhat clever things in his life, he is simply another pawn in the game of the people who really run things.


The fact that we have known about it since before the "Industrial Revolution" ever started means nothing to most people. The clueless sheep led around by the wolves. Have at that. 

Is our guy Ron the best guy? The Worst Guy? Neither! He, like myself is just a guy.

Just so everyone knows also, I do constantly remind Ron of the terrible things that oil production does to the planet, but as he points out, since we have not YET came up with a vehicle we can both drive that doesn't use any gas, but a fuel that is cheaper and much more readily available, which he  has said he would be happy to drive, promote, and invest in, we all have to do what we all have to do.

So do you drive a car Irish? I don't. That's right, I walk, car pool, or ride a bike. I have given up on the gasoline powered automotive industry. So until I can afford an electric vehicle, or until we build the car Ron was speaking of, I guess I can say I take a TRUE STAND against fossil fuels.

It is easy to point the finger, put the blame, and bash the little guys, but what are you doing to effect change. I have seen Ron on many days, helping us paint, fixing a roof, moving parts to the sale, giving of his time and even a little of his cash. Who else anywhere has Ron done this for ....

No one, Why is he helping us ?.... because he knows a winning team when he sees it.

Are you shopping at, or can you point out someone who might have some better technology in our valley that is being worked on that we can donate to that have alternatives to oil and natural gas?

Ron is like the rest of us, he has a job to do and he does it well. He didn't invent the industry, he just promotes it.

And as with all of us, he has his faults. I think he could do our county better when it comes to certain things, like taxes, but I also feel our county could be doing a better job to promote new business and new industry. Everyone protests in a different way.

I don't support or condone the industry, but I do know that Ron at least is doing more than his part to support a group of people who are 100% dedicated to finding a better way.

Sure he is still part of the problem, but he is trying to be part of the solution also. Maybe you should blog about some solutions you have come up with, or what you are doing to offset big oil from using all of us, including people like Ron, to stuff their pockets with Money.

As someone in the educational system I would think it wold be your job to educate anyway and to use positive factual reinforcement as opposed to, well I am sure everyone here can read.

Best Regards
Tim Sokoloff
Iron Soup Historical Preservation Company


Shrimp is a greedy SOB.....

Raping people's property.....destroying their land and water

for a quick cheap buck..........

Shame on you hack!!!!!


Like I predicted here, WFMJ and the Chamber are making today's news that the shale gas and oil is our savior.  The private sector is rising again and soon we can mandate the entitled only be paid for what they produce!

Oh, 53 hits on this subject and now 7332 hits on my topic at  , thank God there are much more free enterprize people in our region, for awhile there, I was terrified that American ingenuity no longer existed.


wow....the shrimp has found his tribe.....more idiots who believe fracking is safe and no concern

for the environment.......

more greedy folks who can't wait to swindle people out of their property and then inflict
ecological damage to their land and water.........

How Shrimp can live with himself just to earn a dirty buck is beyond me......



Although I am impressed with the intellect of several members of this blog, for the past year it seems to me that nothing productive has come from all this brainstorming.  I know many of us have gone head to head with our beliefs and disbeliefs.  What saddens me is that I really see no improvement in Youngstown that really makes a lasting difference.  The local communist party is now more than ever being defunded and the entitled class are throwing each other under the bus.

Of course I keep trucking along with my capitalist self and have started writing on and Wow!  it seems I have like minded American Pie cohorts who like what I say, "6435" of them and very active about it.  Of course my new associates are all landowners and self producing Americans so if you do not read me lately, it is because I have found my tribe.