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No Jobs For You! (Says The GOP)

Started by irishbobcat, August 05, 2011, 06:04:39 PM

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Quote from: irishbobcat on August 05, 2011, 06:04:39 PM

528,000 jobs at risk in 2012 due to the GOP's stated unwillingness to extend long-term unemployment insurance for millions of jobless Americans. If the extended benefits are allowed to expire at the end of the year as the GOP wishes, unemployed Americans would only be entitled to a maximum of 26 weeks of unemployment benefits (and even fewer weeks in some states).

Is this to imply that collecting unemployment is now considered a job?


U.S. Long-Term Debt Downgraded by Standard & Poor's
Rating agency Standard & Poor's says it has downgraded the U.S. credit rating to AA+ from its top rank of AAA.

Standard & Poor's removed the United States government from its list of risk-free borrowers on Friday night, citing concern about the rising burden of long-term federal debt.

The ratings agency had threatened the downgrade if the government did not act to reduce the federal debt by at least $4 trillion over the next decade. Earlier this week, Congress instead passed a plan to reduce the debt by at least $2.1 trillion.

Two other ratings agencies, Moody's and Fitch, both have said that they have no immediate plan to downgrade the country's credit rating, giving the government more time to make progress on debt reduction. The split verdict limits the impact of the S.&P. downgrade as many consequences would only be triggered by a reduction by at least two agencies.

Rick Rowlands

Standard and Poors just lowered the US debt rating today.  I think the days of excessive govt. spending better be coming to an end pretty damn quick!


Those dirty. lousy GOP neo-cons believe in starving the poor and feeding the rich......

Neo-Cons and the conservative GOP do not want to help the poor....only the rich......

No Jobs For You! (Says The GOP)
Aug 5, 2011 | By ThinkProgress War Room

How Many American Jobs Can The GOP Kill? (Hint: A Lot)
According to figures released this morning, the nation's unemployment rate remains at a grim 9.1 percent. While the economy managed to add 117,000 net jobs in July (154,000 jobs were added in the private sector while another 37,000 government jobs were lost), Matt Yglesias correctly notes "that means we're basically treading water" and "things are neither getting better nor worse."

The GOP's solution to mass unemployment: kill even more American jobs over the next 18 months.

Here's a rundown of just a few of the GOP's plans to destroy American jobs:

74,000+ jobs at risk at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and related construction projects continue to be at risk, with Rep. John Mica (R-FL), who we introduced you to earlier this week, once again hinting that the GOP will shut down the FAA later this fall if Democrats don't give in to the GOP's extreme anti-worker demands.

492,670 jobs at risk due to Mica's slash-and-burn approach to transportation funding. The deep cuts Mica and House Republicans are pushing would cause thousands or even tens of thousands of jobs to be lost in each state, as well as allow our national infrastructure to continue to crumble even as China and other countries pour hundreds of billions of dollars into new infrastructure.

528,000 jobs at risk in 2012 due to the GOP's stated unwillingness to extend long-term unemployment insurance for millions of jobless Americans. If the extended benefits are allowed to expire at the end of the year as the GOP wishes, unemployed Americans would only be entitled to a maximum of 26 weeks of unemployment benefits (and even fewer weeks in some states).

972,000 jobs at risk in 2012 unless the GOP allows sufficient new revenues to be included in the super committee deal in order to pay for it.

3,000,000 jobs at risk under a GOP plan to turn Medicaid into a block grant to the states, something that was included in the Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)-authored GOP budget plan and which the GOP is likely to try to resurrect during the super committee process this fall.

In One Sentence: We have an unemployment crisis and 62 percent of Americans say creating jobs — not cutting spending — must be the top priority going forward, but the GOP only wants more job-killing cuts in order to give more tax breaks for the wealthy and Big Oil.