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Trust in the People, not the Government!

Started by Rick Rowlands, March 01, 2010, 07:33:05 AM

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the street dept only cleaned the end of your driveway where the snowplow put the snow there while plowing the streets during the last winter's blast? i do not have any problems with that aslong the service was performed for everyone or offered.


Quote from: iwasthere on March 03, 2010, 02:38:13 PM
i wanted to know from sarge if the mayor used his own plow or the city's plow to remove snow from sarge's driveway?

It was the street department. they were clearing the ends of everyones drive where the main plow had piled up the snow from the street. In a small village the worker might have spent an hour doing a some driveways, figure the cost to the village of less than $100. And Dennis calls this big government.... ???
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


Quote from: irishbobcat on March 03, 2010, 02:08:55 PM hate big government as well...except when they plow your snow for free.....
i wanted to know from sarge if the mayor used his own plow or the city's plow to remove snow from sarge's driveway?

irishbobcat hate big government as well...except when they plow your snow for free.....


Shame on all those big businesses creating jobs and paying people to work.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


Shrimp's been hostile lately,I can see he is loosing it. Tell us how YOU really feel, Shrimpy. Face it, you do hate government....You think big business is better for America....Yet Big Business is corrupt and waste millions, and is the reason why we are in this financial mess......


Let me see, if I hate government, why was I in the submarine force and worked for the defense industry for 5.5 years in the submarine design office?  Oh and my father was a retired Green Beret shot in the head in Korea and survived two tours in 'Nam.  What have you done for your country Hippy?  Yea, nada #$#^*&% thing, no you and your proletariats suck up government money and killed capitalism.  And you're so ignorant to see that now you have destroyed government with your Kumbaya and oh, let's let the government grab the tab.


Rick....who takes your skinny butt serious anymore? You hate all government as well!  When the gangs come out and vandalize your scrapyard...who you gonna call?  Your mommy??????

Rick Rowlands

Does anyone on this Forum actually take Dennis seriously anymore?


Shrimp, your problem is you hate government, period. So, why don't you go live in a cave, because any type of government will be too big for your tiny brain.....


Bobster's been hostile lately,I can see he is loosing it.  Wait till the funding for his education job dries up, I like to see him building dams to create energy to sell.  Remember Bob, you are funded by printed money because you and your ilk killed commerce in our great land.  I'm not just vomiting "green" like you, I am actually doing it, but what I do goes by the basic rules of free enterprize "supply and demand."  No handout-pork-stimulas-entitlement-HUD sucking-enterprize killing bait and switch that you are preaching.  You my friend are highly unqualified to speak of anything but what you have track record in, and i see none of it, or indulge us?  And stop already regugitating others Marxist dogma.


Shrimp, please spare us the "pull up your boot straps" John Wayne-Ronald Reagan speech.....

You want to return to a Gilded Age of the Haves and Have-Nots.....which has resulted in yet again another Great Depression. Your conservative economic policies have created this crisis.


Why town, you are not to blame, we all are.  Our government from the lowest level to the top wanted our votes so bad, they spoiled us and we liked it.  What happened to you is happening in Japan and everywhere a community negates hungry competition.  Remember the history of your industry you guys were the first or one of the, you could name your price but when someone hungrier learns the rope you HAVE to compete in everyway, this is what we taught the world, capitalism.  I hate to say this, but you already should know, we make nothing and cannot pay government for what we expect so government prints money to keep us from uprising, it will hit the fan like the USSR, when we least expect it.  And you my friend should look at making something on your own and forget taking printed money, it's an addiction.


Quote from: Rick Rowlands on March 01, 2010, 07:33:05 AM
American Optimism Based on People not Politicians
Terry Paulson
Monday, March 01, 2010

Government is taking away risk by funding the failure of companies "too big to fail," taking away the risk of becoming obsolete by paying for extended unemployment benefits. Such "caring" stalls progress. Why run a company well when the government will cover for your mistakes? Why learn a new skill when someone else will pay you for not working?

I agree with the article except for the part about extended unemployment benefits being a problem. I am receiving such benefits.

I have 20 years CNC experience, working my way up from machine operator to inspector. I was then promoted to foreman, a job that I held for six years before being promoted again to CNC programmer, held on to that job for another six years before being downsized back to foreman for a year and a half before the General Extrusions basically closed their CNC department.

Not too bad of a resume, if I say so myself (maybe I'm biased). So why am I going on 14 months of unemployment? Because I worked in aluminum. I have had several interviews over the last year and it seems that the common concern I hear (before hearing nothing, which means I didn't get the job) is that i have no experince doing what "they" do. Now, 3 or more years ago having the supervisory or programming experience would have gotten me in the door and allowed for some on-the-job training to get up to speed with whatever "they" machine, but today is a different story. Today, thanks to the unemployement rate, "they" have a stack of resumes from people with exactly the right qualfications, no need to hire someone lacking in even one area.

Another problem I think I have is that I was a foreman and a programmer, employers hiring for operators see my resume, determine that I'm over qualified and go right on to the next one. I've tried to address this in cover letters but no luck yet.

I also considered maybe selling cars or cell phones to bring in some money but "they" also have a stack of resumes from people with exactly the right qualfications.

So it seems that I'm unable to find a job at/near the same level as I was previously, I can't drop back down to machine operator and I can't readily change industries. 

I am going to school for computer networking but that won't help my job hunt for a while and going to school actually takes away the posibility of working any afternoon turn jobs (as if I'd had any offers).

If congress doesn't create a new cut off date for the unemployment extentions, mine will run out in 3 weeks. Even if they move it out to December, I'll be done by June anyway.

I don't think the wife's income alone will feed the kids AND keep the house.


In a nutshell, you are correct.  We sell our vote to whoever promises us something whether they lie to us or not.  Acorn is an example, more entitlements,more HUD money, get more money Ryan.

We're so uneducated, we do not understand that we need to produce something in return for income, not votes.  But for that matter, we sell our votes.