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Started by Towntalk, September 07, 2009, 12:04:28 PM

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Media Smedia - It is a GIVEN that Traficant will "SELL" in print, on radio or TV.  You have both those who love him and those who hate him and THAT in itself is a "SELL".   Isn't that what they are in business for to "SELL"?   We sure will see what Gretta will do for him and who knows  8)
What do you think ?
I personally ABSOLUTLY LOVE the guy and I really don't care what anyone thinks about me because of that.  It would be GREAT if he became a National Figure for the common working man (ok and woman too).


Same Old Jimbo

How would the media react if (and that's a huge if) Traficant were to decide to run for Congress again? I suspect that they would give him a wide birth and not give him the forum that they did in the past.