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HB 3200 document

Started by iwasthere, August 11, 2009, 01:01:56 PM

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Communist Party? no thank you.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


Summer Health Care fight heats up!

Author: CPUSA National Board


I can guarantee you won't find those facts on the White house Site.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


Because of the length of this article (6-8 pages), I'll post the link to it.

The author is a professor at Duke University.

John David Lewis, Ph.D.

Visiting Associate Professor

Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program

Duke University

What HR 3200, ''America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009," Says
John David Lewis
August 6, 2009


I agree again.

The last Congressman that responded to requests for material that I made was Charles Carney.

Not even Traficant responded to specific requests but sent "fact sheets" rather than the bills.


Iwasthere, over 2 years ago my wife (Military retiree dependent) was cut off from all healthcare  coverage without any notification to us for 6 months. This was done because of the way the Medicare and Tricare laws are written. Everyone from the guy who answers Tricare questions for the Military times to the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Care) to the office of the Sergeant Major of the Army agree that this was not the intent of the law and that it will take legislation to fix it.

I was told by Mr Ryans office that I should expect to lose.

This only cost me about $6000. I am still trying to get it fixed because I don't want it to happen to the next guy.

You would think with Health Care being their big issue I would get something positive from his office.

Senator Browns office And Senator Voinovichs office just can't understand the concept either.

So I am drafting a Resolution to send up the chain through the American Legion. I figure another 2 years before it gets to congress.

Oh Yes, this has happened to at least 100 Military retirees.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


towntalk, you as an ind should not use your own monies to obtain any material from Ryan's congressional district offices whether it is in Warren, oh or ytown, oh or wash. dc. his staffers should be elated to know that someone is interested knowing what there boss is up to these days. i have told his staffers many times before my taxes pay for their salaries and their boss's salary. >:(


 :D That's alright.

By the way, my web site has links to government, you might find it easier to get the material you need there than try to go through your Congressman's office.


1. Nothing.

2. It's easier to just use the Thomas web site to get the info than to try to get any Congressman to send the material I want.


my posting was for sarge not for towntalk. i am still reeling in the fact after reading about ten pages of hb3200 my eyes still haven't adjusted to normal reading.


towntalk what is your project with tim ryan's congressional office.


That's why its much easier to download the bill. you can adjust the size for easier reading.


Did you really expect Mr Ryan to make it easy for you? That's almost funny.
For those aware of my project with Mr Ryans office we know he could care less about healthcare.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


I think the people need to be aware of this bill. Font size --lets not even go there.


I received today the thousand page healthcare manifesto from Tim Ryan's ytown office that congress is trying to pass in September without any townhall meetings in the 17th congressional district. it is a joke trying to read it esp when the font size is half of  your middle nailfinger. god help us all if this is passed without any public input before its passage. :) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-X :-\ :-* :'( :laugh: these are the facial expressions when one tries to read this manifesto.