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Started by Towntalk, May 25, 2009, 07:56:11 PM

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That looks like the one I saw.

Why?Town, you got that right about the sound.

I was out on the porch and think I saw the 9/11 plane that crashed in Pennsylvania fly over, and it too was lower than the ones I usually see, so when that plane flew over this morning I had flash backs


I believe the aircraft was part on the Memorial Day observances in the Mahoning Valley.  The photo below was taken as the plane flew directly above Rt. 224 during the Boardman parade.


Those big lumbering military planes are kinda scary flying low like that. They don't seem to be moving fast enough to fly and boy are they loud.

Before Afganistan/Iraq they used to do training over our house all the time. Usually three, sometimes four, flying in circles and figure eights and clover looking patterns.  One time they did a pattern like the white curly on top of a Hostess cupcake.

I used to swear I would end up dying in a plane crash....without leaving the ground.

They still shake the house once a month or so but never more than two at a time now, usually just one.


That could very well be the case ... a Memorial Day Fly-Over.

Normally the planes fly over at a higher altitude as they pass my area so I was quite suprised to see it so low.

Helicopter carrying patients to St. Eves fly by at a low level, but I never saw a huge 4 engine military transport that low before.


In the past, Canfield's Memorial Day service has had a flyover. I imagine that's what you saw.

I doubt there's any rule about how low planes can fly over cities or there wouldn't need to be flashing lights on the towers, besides they can crash on you from any heght.


This morning between 11 and 11:30 I had just come home from the store when I looked up and saw an airplane from the Air Base fly over. At first blush there is nothing unusual about it except for the fact that it was so low that I could see its cockpit windows.

I've seen planes coming and going but never as low as this plane was flying, making a left banking manuver turning north.

It happened so fast that I didn't get a chance to see any lettering but it was low enough that this would have been possable if I had been in a better location.

Isn't there some rule about how low these planes can fly over a city?