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Downtown Restaurant Closes

Started by jay, January 24, 2009, 07:36:25 AM

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Cedar's bar is still open.

I really hope there is some way that the restaraunt at Cedars can reopen once spring comes. I have been looking forward to the weather getting better and being able to go to Cedars, sit on the patio and spend a few hours.

I love the atmosphere at Cedar's, the diversity of the people who go there, and just that it's a place where people want to have a good time and are not into judging each other. 8)

I wanted to go the restaraunt 2 -3 weeks ago on a Saturday, and was upset when I got there and found it closed. :(


That's a shame about Franco's.  I used to go there for lunch several times a week when I worked downtown.


just for clarification, only cedars cafe is closed.  the bar remains open, correct?


the end of the tunnel is open again for business. this business is on the ground floor of the glass windows bldg.

northside lurker

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


If anyone travels to the food court on Monday, let us know which businesses are definitely closed.


Quote from: DefendYoungstown on January 25, 2009, 12:08:17 PM
Cedars is closed and will remain closed. Francos is also closed and looking to sell to a prospective buyer. The coffee shop is open - there are no issues. All are in key locations. When the new $32 million business college opens (and Hazel Street is extended), it will have thousands of folks circulating through it each day. These establishments are some of the closest to the building. The owner of the Old Precinct is also considering reopening at that time.
The walk into downtown will be a lot closer than that long work it would be to Kilkawley from the new business school. I'll have to schedule a block of time around noon to eat downtown after a class when it does open.


Cedars is closed and will remain closed. Francos is also closed and looking to sell to a prospective buyer. The coffee shop is open - there are no issues. All are in key locations. When the new $32 million business college opens (and Hazel Street is extended), it will have thousands of folks circulating through it each day. These establishments are some of the closest to the building. The owner of the Old Precinct is also considering reopening at that time.


Wow...... Cedars - CLOSED?!?

They were a downtown institution... I hope someone will buy their business
and re-open it.  I used to live next door to the Simons when I was a kid.
Their parents still have a house on Broadway Ave.



The coffee shop was closed at least thursday and friday when I went for lunch.

northside lurker

I'll have to take a detour and see what the sign in Cedars' window says.

I went to the food court 3 times last week and I noticed that Franco's had been closed, and I think that the coffee shop was closed at least one of the days. (I didn't notice, maybe it was closed all three days?)
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


I also noticed that several restaurants in the Food Court of 20 Federal Place were not open this past week. 


The sign in the restaurant window says it all.  The Cedars has closed after twelve years of operation.