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Establish A Public Works Fund Now

Started by jay, January 09, 2009, 09:04:53 PM

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This could be the first thing the "sweeper" operators could do. (The ones I mentioned on the other discussion)


A public works fund could have been used to provide workers to remove snow from around fire hydrants in downtown Youngstown after the heavy snow of the past weekend.


Great idea Mary. A program like this is what President Elect Obama has been suggesting.


We think that the government should give people with student loans the ability to do "donation" services IE: a college grad that has loans and has a degree in accounting could do free accounting/tax services for low income people (not those overpriced tax services that steal from them). They give teachers many breaks on their loans for inner city teaching, they should extend the program for other grads that are struggling. Many college grads can not find jobs in this economy but if we were given the opportunity to start decreasing our student loans (even if it would be against interest not principal) it would help alot. And it would benefit the public also.


The original W.P.A. program was a hugely successful program that was
enacted by Congress at a time when the country desperately needed
jobs and a means for everyday folks to lift themselves up and get back
to work.

President-elect Obama should continue to give this type of program VERY
serious consideration.  Various officials in his administrative team have
used the phrase "the most bang for the buck" with regard to the economic
bailout - this type of program would DEFINITELY achieve this goal.

With our roads and bridges crumbling, our school facilities in disrepair and
so many people losing their jobs it makes good plain sense to implement a
program that "kills two birds with one stone" and has a LASTING, long-term
benefit to our country.

A W.P.A. (or "New Deal") program would create millions of decent-paying
jobs, while at the same time stimulating the economy and addressing the
issues mentioned above.

The original W.P.A. affected nearly EVERY area in the entire nation, and
a 21st century version of such a program could surely help some of the
hardest-hit areas of the country, such as the Mahoning Valley and North
Eastern Ohio.

For more info on the original W.P.A. program, check out this link in WikiPedia:



The Rescue Mission is another good resource. Both the Rescue Mission and Salvation Army have good track records and are geared to help in ways a startup group couldn't.


One reason why I mentioned non-profits is a radio interview I heard this past week.  The Rescue Mission provides food and sometime shelter to the less fortunate.  The Rescue Mission requires recipients to work at the mission or some other place during the course of the day.


Given everything that would be involved in setting up and running such a program, it should be run by the city. Youngstown is already set up to run it.

Keep in mind the fact that there are a number of factors that have to be taken into consideration ... liability insurance ... payroll ... equipment being three.

There certainly is a role to play for non-profits so with a joint effort such a suggestion as you suggest would be a great idea provided its operation is transparent.

I believe that such a program was in operation in the 1930's.

As to which non-profits ... what about the Salvation Army which is also set up to run such a program.


There are many jobs that need to be done in this community.  A public works fund would help to improve our community and provide some needed income to the unemployed during this depression.

Would it be better to have such a program administered by the city government or by a non-profit organization.

Which non-profit organization?


That's strange because 422 is a main street. I live on Elm Street, maby YSU is the reason why they've done this street three times, but as I look out my window the street is still snow covered. I'm sure glad I don't have to go anywhere and can snuggle up at home with a good hot mug of tea.


I live on 422 and we have only seen one. Its 1 am.


It's 9:45 PM 1/9/09 and the snow plows have been up and down our street three times already.


Why wait for federal funds!  Youngstown could set up its own public works fund.  Start by seeking money from local governments and donations from businesses and from individuals.

The first jobs would be to shovel public sidewalks of all the snow that is falling this weekend.