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Coal Comeback

Started by Towntalk, December 26, 2008, 11:38:42 PM

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That's what is so great about America. We have freedom of choice.

What would life be like if government told us what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, or how to heat our house?

Even now there are groups that want to do just that. Sierra Chub ... PITA ... Vega's ... Temperance groups ... (Yes they are still among us, and in fact a British newspaper today ran an article claiming that wine causes cancer that I linked to at my web site on the International page.)


I wouldn't want a coal stove in my house.

Dennis Spisak


Did you actually read the article or are you basing your comment solely on the headline?

As a child, my family had coal heat, my school and church were coal heated, and in point of fact so were all the homes in our neighborhood, and we all got along just fine thank you ever so much.

There were three generations living under our roof, the oldest, my Great Grandmother who lived till her late 90's.

Those were during war time ... World War II, and need I say what preceded World War II?

No one can convince me that mere humans are any more capable of destroying our planet than we are to bringing Mars back to life. We're capable of wondrous things, but controlling the course of nature is not one of them.

Can we prevent earthquakes? No. Can we prevent volcano's? No. Can we change the course of tides? No.

Even if we were capable of changing the course of human life so that the highest dreams of the environmentalists  were totally implemented world wide, the forces of nature would still be in full operation. Volcano's would still occur, weather would fluctuate, land would erode, and yes, we would still have four seasons.

We are not gods who, with the snap of our fingers can control the destiny of our planet.

Some years back, people built geometric domes and lived in them under the most ideal conditions that would delight the heart of the most fervent environmentalist, but where are those domes today? Abandoned. They didn't work.

If the environmentalists were as interested in improving the lot of people in third world countries as they are in trying to drive us back to more primitive days, what a change would come over our world.

How much effort is spent by the Sierra Club in improving the lives of people in Africa? How much effort is exerted by PITA in clothing the very poor in South America?

Think for a moment about what good could be accomplished by such groups as Save The Children if a portion of the money that is spent by the environmentalists went to help end child hunger?

African countries are being ravished by disease, people are being forced to live under the most unsanitary conditions, hunger is a daily fact of life for millions.

What was it that Marley told Scrooge in A Christmas Carol?

"Mankind was my business."


Enjoy the huge amounts of CO2 and sulpher mercury ash in your house as well!
Oh, did I forget to mention coal dust as well? Enjoy..your family will look like coal miners from 1888.....

Dennis Spisak
Mahoning Valey Greens
Ohio Green Party~


Burning Coal at Home Is Making a Comeback