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Wind Energy Today

Started by jay, September 14, 2008, 10:04:16 PM

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Quote from: Elmo-Ytown on September 15, 2008, 05:48:32 PM
Don't we have a compost property like Boardman has? They have a place where you can go and get free mulch, free wood, etc, as long as you live in Boardman. What does the city do with all of the wood it cuts and mulches?

That closed when Boardman layoff-ed the worker who was there-he was least senior in the street dept where that program was placed. It was free mulch, not free wood.
Very good question -what does Ytown do with its wood, mulch, etc? Ask street dept head?


Three Cheers for Ohio Edison. Our power went off at 8:30 Sunday Night and came back on today at 5:40 P.M.

With all the damage that was done they deserve a great big pat on the back and a hearty Well Done.

We are quick to complain, but how quick are we to applaud them when conditions like we've had over the last 24 hours occure?


Don't we have a compost property like Boardman has? They have a place where you can go and get free mulch, free wood, etc, as long as you live in Boardman. What does the city do with all of the wood it cuts and mulches?


The high winds knocked down a few trees in my neighborhood.  These trees could be used as fuel by someone with a wood burning furnace.  Trees are a form of renewable energy.

We need to develop a system in our city to get the cut wood to the people who really need it to heat their homes.  We could use a piece of property on which to stockpile wood until it is needed.


Free energy eh??? Evaluate the thousands of dollars worth of damage tomorrow after all this free energy blows by this area....


It was very windy in Youngstown this evening.  I wonder how many power plants' worth of energy just blew though our area.  It's too bad the city of Youngstown is not harnessing any of this "free" energy.