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Orange Residue

Started by jay, August 13, 2008, 09:58:53 PM

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It's called rust.  I'm not kidding.


Rust appears as an orange or yellowish-orange powder (spores) on grass leaf blades, especially in late summer to early fall when the weather is dry. Rust typically develops on lawns and other turf areas growing very slowly. Low fertility (in particular nitrogen) and low water availability slow down turf growth, allowing rust to develop. Seasons with excess rain may have rust outbreaks due to depletion of available nitrogen. Cool nights with heavy dew and light, frequent rainfall add to the ideal conditions for rust to develop. Warm, cloudy, humid weather followed by hot, sunny weather also favors rust development. Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and tall fescue are all affected, depending on cultivars. Rust spreads via air, water, shoes, equipment, and vegetative turf material (sod).


I hope it wasn't from a recent lawn chemical application.  Many children were running around and playing on the grass last night.

I did ask a park employee to check on it.


Call up and ask those at Rocky Ridge...


While attending the concert at the Morley Pavilion this evening, several people complained that an orange residue collected on their shoes after walking on the grass.

What is the source of the orange residue?