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Forbes on Youngstown

Started by Towntalk, August 07, 2008, 10:54:32 AM

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Defend Youngstown

You nailed it, Towntalk. Their article was a 60 second, superficial piece based on statistical info that identifies only the obvious. Yawn. Obviously, this city embraces and is attempting to properly accomodate the population decline as a way to reposition itself for growth again. How many other "dying" cities on the list can claim the same?  Therefore, short-sided articles like that of Forbes must and will be addressed by the members of this community that know better and it's up to those people here now to do so, even on comment boards. I will also be putting my thoughts on paper for a Vindy letter to the editor. Stay tuned.

As a final comment, I would encourage folks to do a Google search of Forbes and Youngstown and take a look at the last 3 articles they have written about our city. I think it paints a picture. For whatever reason, Forbes has some kind of ax to grind.


The utter contempt of the author of this article demonstrates the total willful ignorance of the media on our city and note the picture they show ... an area THAT NO LONGER EXISTS. I don't blame Mayor Willians for being angry ... I'm furious!

Did this clown even take the time to visit Youngstown and see for himself? I seriously doubt it.

Did he even bother to read the many positive articles that have come out about Youngstown in such papers as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal? Apparently he didn't.

It's easy to bash a city when all you have to go on are twenty year old reports and a handfull of old photos that are even older.