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My trip to Youngstown

Started by AllanY2525, May 05, 2005, 09:46:48 PM

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I had a wonderful time visitng Youngstown again the past
couple weeks.  I got to take a lot of photos and met some
really cool people.

I just wanted to tell everyone how encouraging it is to
see so many new homes going up, new buildings downtown,
the Convocation Center, etc.

I got to have lunch with a good friend at the Bean Counter
Cafe - they make a great Reuben sandwich at a very
reasonable price.

Mill Creek Park is just as breathtaking and beautiful as
ever.  I visited the Oak Hill Cemetary (something I never
did as a kid growing up in Youngstown) and found some
interesting marker stones from the original "blue blood"
families that helped to make Youngstown the great town
that it became back in the early days.

Stambaugh Auditorium is just as beautiful and graceful
as it was when I was a kid - it really made me feel good
to go inside and see how well cared for this building is,
and that people still care so much for the auditorium.

Just about everywhere I went in town, I saw signs of new
life, new construction.  After years of hitting the skids,
Youngstown is finally on its way back - people aren't just
TALKING about bringing the city back, they are now DOING

Keep up the good work, Youngstown - you CAN BE a clean,
beautiful and prosperous city once more.  All it takes
(besides money) is for people to care enough about the
place they call their home to WANT things to change for
the better - and do their part in taking back their
neighborhoods, one home - one building - one property
at a time.

I can see that with the University's northward push
across interstate 680 and onto Madison Avenue,
the neighborhoods around Wick Park are slowly starting
to come back to life.  Investors have started buying up
the grand old homes and restoring them, which can only
make property values go up for the other residences
around them.

Keep up the good work, Youngstown!
