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Has Your Street Been Plowed?

Started by jay, March 08, 2008, 05:50:45 PM

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Finally!!!  The Snow Has Been Plowed.
It only took 49 hours.

I should feel lucky.  At about 7:00 p.m. this evening, I passed at least 5 streets that still not have been plowed.


Nice to be in the "burbs. Plowed Saturday morning and this morning, just a little slush. Even the budget crunch in Boardman didn't affect the snow removal.
Now, if I lived in the "hood on Hilton, like past years, the street wouldn't get done for 7-10 days. and only scraped of snow. The ice underneath would remain. So for days, cars tracks and the snow gave you traction. Then the plows would come and everyone would slide on inches of ice. Of course, the plows would have to go around the parked cars that wouldn't be moved for months.


Rt 422 is clear but wet. our side roads are not plowed though.


By 12:55 PM Elm Street is clear of snow but is wet and slushey in spots. Does this apply to other main streets as well?

If so, it means that the snow plows will be able to tackle side streets that still are snow covered.


The snow plows are working my street as I write this.

I was told that they were busy most of the day yesterday keeping the main roads clear and would not be able to get to the side streets until later today. They can't be everywhere.

northside lurker

No plows on my street.  But my street only connects 2 other dead end streets.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


No snow plows have made it to our neighborhood.

It has been over 45 hours since the snow started.


The snow plows hit our street this morning, but have not been back since, and this street is a bus route that leads into YSU.

I'm fortunate that I stocked up on food and won't have to go out to the store.

Our street, usually busy has been very quiet today. I guess folks are staying home like officials asked them to do.


Our street has not been plowed yet. A car was stuck at 10 am and it's only gotten worse.


Has your Youngstown Street been plowed yet?

The snow plows have not been in my neighborhood since the snow started on Friday afternoon (41+ hours ago).  Cars are stuck in the street on every block.