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Boarded House On Major Street

Started by jay, January 19, 2008, 05:25:12 PM

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northside lurker

This house is on South Ave.  It's on the NW corner, and I THINK the cross street is E. Lucius.  It's been boarded up since before the new year.  My mom and I first noticed it just after Christmas.  (we both liked the style of this house)

Do you suppose it is a good sign that they went through so much trouble to cover all the windows--even those on the 3rd floor?
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison



Where is this house? 

In the past few years, I have seen a lot of improvement with regard to the
roads leading into the city.  The replacement and/or rehabilitation of all
of the main bridges in the city is a MAJOR improvement in the perception
of Youngstown by those coming into the city from abroad.

In addition, they city has made great strides to clean up Market Street -
especially the lower portion of it - and C.C.A. has done some wonderful
work with landscaping most of the empty lots along Market Street and
keeping them up, etc.

They city has been doing a good job with Elm Street on the North
Side, also - last summer (and summer of 2006 also) there were
quite a few demolitions along Elm Street that REALLY needed to
be done.

The problem with boarded-up houses remains the same:  Youngstown
has about 82,000 people - but it has leftover housing units from a city
of about 125,000 or so.  There will continue to be empty, boarded up
houses until the supply of housing comes more into line with the actual
demand for it.

Maybe you could talk to the neighbors near this house and see if someone
would be willing to "adopt" it until it is either sold to a new owner(occupant)
or demolished by the city (?)

Unless or until someone is willing to watch this empty house (24 x 7), boarding
it up was probably the only recourse available to the owner in order to ensure
that scavengers, etc. do not break into it and strip the place )which would make
it MUCH MORE of an eyesore than it already is.......)



We need to do something about the major roadways leading into our city.  A boarded home just doesn't present a good image.  I really didn't notice this home until I had to stop for the traffic light.