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Salvation Army building is wide-open

Started by jay, February 14, 2004, 03:57:27 AM

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On April 12, 2005, I noticed that the ground level doors at the east end of the building have also been stolen.   This theft may have happened weeks ago.  The photo below was taken last year when the doors were still attached.

Matt Schwartz

Its gotten worse...

Its sad that now this building is exposed to the elements and will soon only be good to demolish.

Really makes us sad.


Some Good News

The Youngstown Police Department recently caught a man who was stealing materials from the Salvation Army building.


When are your going to finally realize that no one in city government cares about this building or any other building?  This would not happen if the city had good leadership.

A city is only as good as its people and leadership.


The Salvation Army building is located in the first ward.  The councilman is

Artis Gillam, Sr.


Wednesday, March 3, 2004


I drove past the Salvation Army building early in the evening on Sunday, February 29 and one of the front doors was still open.  There are probably other openings at the back of the building.


It's too bad that the Youngstown Police Department isn't checking these buildings and arresting the criminals who are stealing the contents.
Chief Bush should be asked about the protection of this building when he runs for mayor.

john r. swierz

    I notified the Fire Dept. yesterday. Lets see what happens.


A call has been made to a former councilman asking for help with this issue.  What we need now is a list of the current Youngstown councilmen and their phone numbers.  If everyone makes a phone call to their own councilman, maybe we will get this property secured.


Now the windows of the building are starting to disappear.  It is a shame that no one from city government, the Salvation Army, or the realtor's office is doing anything to prevent the further vandalism of this building.


The photo below shows the For Sale sign on the side of the building.  The phone number is lacking the last digit.
If someone were interested in purchasing the building, the incomplete phone number would not help much.


Please visit this photo link to view pictures of the inside of the Salvation Army building.

Click on each picture for a larger image.


The vacant Salvation Army building on Mahoning Avenue is being stripped.  One of the front doors is wide-open.  Please help to get this building secured by calling your city councilman and expressing your concerns for this building.