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Company buys former hospital on North Side

Started by yfdgricker, October 10, 2007, 10:24:45 AM

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It started it's life in the 1960's as Cafaro Memorial Hospital specializing in Osteopathic medicine.

One of the most famous Surgeons who praticed there was Dr. Sam Shephard, DO. the doctor convicted of killing his wife.

Later it's name was changed to Youngstown Osteophatic Hospital and was a teaching hospital.

Jaime Hughes

Whats the history on this building ? It looks very 70's to me, I dont know to much about it but it gets my curiosity going.


Company buys former hospital on North Side
Story By DON SHILLING, VINDICATOR BUSINESS EDITOR from the Youngstown Vindicator on 10/10/2007.

Leases for community outreach organizations will continue.

YOUNGSTOWN — A Minnesota company bought the former Youngstown Osteopathic Hospital building for $1.25 million.

Metro Development Properties of Excelsior, Minn., will lease space to community outreach organizations, said Jamie Anderson, a company attorney.

The company bought the building at 100 Broadway on Friday from CMD Realty Group of Youngstown. The sale was negotiated by Kutlick Realty of Boardman.

CMD, whose managing partner is Christopher Tornello of Liberty, bought the building for $150,000 in 2001. It was the sole bidder in a bankruptcy court proceeding that followed the closing of Youngstown Osteopathic.

CMD, which renamed the building the Broadway Professional Center, has been leasing space to social service agencies as tenants. Anderson said leases for the Women, Infants and Children's Program, Home Weatherization and Head Start Food Service will continue.

Only about 20,000 square feet of the 250,000-square-foot building is in use, but Anderson said no large marketing campaign is planned. The company will rely mostly on word-of-mouth marketing and the desire of many outreach organizations to be clustered together, she said.

Anderson said the new owners plan to make improvements to the building but specifics haven't been determined.

The Youngstown building will be patterned on another former hospital that Metro Development acquired in Minneapolis, Anderson said. That building houses a private school and outreach organizations, she said.

Metro Development owns 12 other vacant lots or buildings on Florencedale Avenue, Bissell Avenue and Bryson Street on Youngstown's North Side. Anderson said she wasn't familiar with those properties.