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Fights at Chaney

Started by jay, October 04, 2007, 09:24:01 PM

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I heard it happen on the scanner and live from all the yelling.  The idiots wouldn't listen, then an officer goes down.  He** yea they had the right to use the's not like they had another option.  In some cities they're using bean bag rifles to disperse idiots.  The tazers should have been allowed.  Just because one area city always screws up, doesn't mean our officers in the city couldn't be properly trained to deal with these sort of situations.  And that's if that officer really screwed up....we weren't there to see the entire event.  Our officers at times are outnumbered, improperly armed, and at the mercy in some ways of those they're trying to break apart.

I may be tainted on my views in some ways, but am very much for officers being properly armed and equipped.  I was part of a a volunteer no less, and participated in a 2000 person riot of teens.  They do not listen and think they own the world, until one of them fires a gun, either causing the officers to draw and shoot back....or at that time all we had were nightsticks to swing and beat our way through the crowd.  In that case, trying to get to the down kid that was shot.  Everyone is quick to jump up and yell don't arm them with better weapons, when they haven't been there.  Officers are human also, and have human response to times where they may be terrified of the situation....even if they don't admit it.  After our incident, we were all given mace and tazers....and the situation didn't happen again.  The crowds dispersed when they knew they were going to get something in return for being idiots.

I'm off my soapbox now I think....and very well vented.


Macing students? 400 students involved? What was it, a riot? Sounds to me like the Police were the ones that were out of control, and they want 75 more Tasers?


The TV news reported that 400 students became involved at one point.  Many police officers responded.  The crowd of students had to be maced.


Stupidity.  And now the cheerleading coach was charged with assaulting a police officer and  inciting panic.  What BS (and I mean the idiot students and coach).


Does anyone on this forum have a student attending Chaney High School?  Fights have occurred at Chaney for two days in a row.  Does your student know why the fights are taking place?