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Started by Towntalk, September 23, 2007, 05:45:39 AM

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Youngstown is already a down-scaled version of Akron and Cleveland....where have you been the last 30 years?


First ... You need to learn some manners. Insulting people will get you nowhere.
Second ... If the Green Party was so special, it would be the dominate party here in the Valley.
Third ... Not every topic posted revolves around politics regardless of which side you're on.
Fourth ... I can not recall reading that ... Globalism (Which by the way reduced this valley from being a World Class industrial area to the Rust Belt that it is today.) most of the things you talk about are an issue here.
Fifth ... Name me just one city that has prospered under Green Party politics. None of the political parties have done much for this valley.
Sixth ... Youngstown and Warren have major problems ... very major problems that center around crime - drugs - and until those problems are corrected, we will never move forward.
Seventh ... Grass Roots? There are many grass root organizations here in the valley that are doing great things, but they can do only so much. They can't solve the whole world's problems.
Eighth ... Quite honestly there is absolutely nothing you nor I can do about the world's problems, nor can the Green Party. We can do something here at home though without the Green Party thank you ever so much.
Ninth ... There are a number of great folks here that are doing their part to make this a better place to live, and many of them are YSU students, and they didn't need the Green Party to spur them on.
Tenth ... It certainly isn't selfish to look out for the needs here at home first, it's simple common sense.
Eleventh ... If the United Nations isn't able to solve the worlds problems which was what it was created for, what should make us think that a very minor American political party can do it?
Twelfth ... Lets look at Mexico as a quick example. Mexico is an extremely wealthy nation, yet most of it's people live a third world existence ... it has one of the worlds highest crime rates ... it is run by drug gangs ... these drug gangs are shipping illegal drugs into the United States ... drugs that some think should be legalized ... drugs that are destroying our youth and turning our streets into war zones. People are fleeing Mexico to get a better life for their children. What is the Green Party's answer?
In the Middle East life is a hell on earth. Wars - terrorism - persecution.

But what has all this to do with Youngstown State University?

The original topic was the consolidation of the State universities in Northeast Ohio questioning what the impact would be on future growth both at the university and the city.

We will not lose YSU, but if it is downscaled in favor of Akron or Cleveland, or both, it would have a major economic  impact on our city.
All we really have are the hospitals and YSU as major employers, and the future of one of the hospitals is questionable. Do you really think that folks barley making it now care about what's happening a world far away when they are struggling to stretch their shrinking pay check, or when both spouses have to work two jobs to meet expenses?

Finally, there is absolutely nothing selfish about placing family ... neighborhood ... community first. If we can't take care of our own home, neighborhood and community, how can we lift up third world countries? We are, to be sure our brother's keeper, and considering just how much we spend annually through government, churches and various charitable organizations, I would dare say we are doing more than our part.

If your street was like some of the streets on the South and East sides where gunshots ring out at all times of the night and day, just how effective do you seriously think your Green Party philosophy be?


No discussion of politics when it comes to a college campus? What rock have you been living under? Political discusssions on campus go hand in hand like peanut butter and chocolate....

Green Party politics ought to be discuss regarding YSU. The 10 Green values of the Green party should play a major role in where YSU is heading in the 21st Century.


1. Ecological Wisdom

How can we operate human societies with the understanding that we are part of nature, not on top of it?

2. Grassroots Democracy

How can we develop systems that allow and encourage us to control the decisions that affect our lives?

3. Social Justice

How can we respond to human suffering in ways that promote dignity?

4. Non-violence

How can we, as a society, develop effective alternatives to our current patterns of violence, at all levels, from the family and the street to nations and the world?

5. Decentralization

How can we restore power and responsibility to individuals, institutions, communities, and regions?

6. Community-Based Economics

How can we redesign our work structures to encourage employee ownership and workplace democracy?

7. Feminism

How can we replace the cultural ethics of dominance and control with more cooperative ways of interacting?

8. Respect for Diversity

How can we honor cultural, ethnic, racial, sexual, religious and spiritual diversity within the context of individual responsibility to all beings?

9. Global Responsibility

How can we be of genuine assistance to grassroots groups in the Third World?

10. Future Focus

How can we induce people and institutions to think in terms of the long-range future, and not just in terms of their short-range selfish interest?


First of all I am neither a "conservative" or a 'flaming liberal' ... if anything, I consider myself a Libertarian.

Also, IF YSU could develop an alternative research program that would be unique to YSU I would fully support it, but at last check dozens of universities in a far better position than YSU are already doing it ... MIT being one of them.

My whole objection with your posts is that rather than leave your Green Party posts in the Politics message board you insert them everywhere.

The topic here is the future of YSU and what its impact would be on the valley.

As to what YSU charges, the fact remains that it is the lowest in the State University system.

As you no doubt know, I've posted a number of messages on Ethanol ... an alternative fuel. Is it possable that the Chemistry department at YSU could develop a research program on Ethanol?

YSU has a top notch school of Engineering ... by using these two resources we could do for YSU what Palomar's  did for Akron State and the City of Akron by creating new jobs.

As for Community Colleges, they do not give the advanced degrees that are expected in the real world, and any way, YSU already has an Associate Degree program, and has had it for a number of years. In the real world an Associate Degree is little better than a High School diploma was in the past.

Companies want a Bachelor Degree at the low end, and preferably a Masters Degree which is why so many companies are turning to countries such as India.

Microsoft's Bill Gates has stated over and over again that America is not turning out the numbers of Computer Engineers that the High Tech industry needs which is why they must turn to foreign countries.

The nearest University to the Valley that has a World Class Computer Engineering program is Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh. Here is another area for research that YSU should consider.


Yes, I live in Mahoning County and I bicycle when possible and have installed CFl lighting in my house.

Why is it so far-fetched for YSU to become a leader in alternative power technology and inventions?

If Akron and CSU are looking into Medical Technology, Why can't YSU look to become a leading reasearcher in solar technology for business and home, as well as making wind turbine power more afforable and accessable to business and homeowners?

The problem is your conservative-thinking brain keeps you locked into what Youngstown was in it's heydays of the 40's and 50's.

My daughter attends YSU.....however, she could have attended the University of Kentucky cheaper than YSU....because our
state leaders can't figure out a fair system to fund public education...



[1] Do you live here in Mahoning County?




The Mahoning Valley needs a Community College for those students who can not afford a $16,000 a year education from YSU.

Take Jefferson Community College in  Steubenville,Ohio. This 2 year community college gives every high school graduate from Jefferson County a free toyer tuition to attend. Then, students may transfer their credits earned to a 4 year college.

This is what the Mahoning Valley needs. We need a community college or YSU to take the lead in providing training in new energy resources. We need to develop wind power, solar power, and other alternatives to fossil fuels.

Black Monday happened 30 years ago. Another Black Monday will happen when this country is crippled because of it's reliance on oil from the Middle East.

Wake up and begin investing in alternative energy resources before We have no power to power up our laptops.


I don't know how many watch 45/49 on Friday nights, but the other night on News Night Akron there was discussion about what the Board of Regents wants to do with the three Universities in North East Ohio - YSU - Akron State - Cleveland State, Kent State  and the NEOUCM (The Medical School in Rootstown) and the reporters were suggesting that YSU would be getting a lesser role than Cleveland State and Akron State along with reduced funding while Akron State and Cleveland State will get most of the attention and the money.

One of the reporters even suggested that YSU was nothing more than a glorified junior college that had very little to offer other than to give students a preparatory taste of what real colleges are like.

It should be noted that both Akron State and Cleveland State are trying to get the Medical School moved to their campuses and are in a bidding war with the Board of Regents who have the final say.

As far as I'm concerned, YSU is a top notch university, it is certainly the safest university in Ohio, but lacks a speciality program that really sets it apart like the Palomar program at Akron State which has spawned an industry in Akron.

Then there has been talk about setting up a Junion College in the area which would draw even more funding from YSU, and as far as I'm concerned not needed.

Over the years YSU has lost a number of it's schools to other universities such as our Law School, and unless we watch out, we'll lose more since the Board of Regents already looks down it's nose at Youngstown and YSU.

From what was said, it seems that the plan is to combine all five under one single authority which would reduce YSU to the status of being a branch of a maga university.