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Hospice Angel Ornaments

Started by Jaime Hughes, September 13, 2007, 03:23:40 PM

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Jaime Hughes

Thank you very much, I am enrolling right now. I will send you all the link once I get it up and running.


You will get an invitation from a Dave Nelson to host a talk show.  I sent him your name and e-mail.

First, hospice can always use the funds.  If they receive a lot at the holidays, it doesn't mean that there won't be other needs during the year and they can pull from those funds.  If the event is really promoted well you will accomplish two things: funding and community awareness.

The name of the program I am sending you is called Talk Shoe.  You can go to their site and at the top right you will see a search box, type in show ID 44351 and you will see my show, "North Georgia Community Resources". 

You get paid per live caller or total downloads of your show.  If you get a lot of folks to just call in to a show (which can be you on a phone and maybe a hospice representative on another phone) then you can get paid from the hosts of TalkShoe.  I think you get $50 for doing 10 episodes but you better check their faq and help sections.  Anyway, it doesn't cost anything so it might be worth a shot.  Just get on the phone, hit the record button on talkshoe and tell the community that everyone that calls in is purchasing an ornament for the cause. 

Hope this helps.

Robin Watts
Always be of service
Strive to understand the misunderstood
Live a life of gratitude and forgiveness
See yourself in others and
Frame the vision with love

Jaime Hughes

Sure, send me the information on that I will be willing to use it. Do you think Hospice would want the donation during the holiday season? A lot of people are saying that Hospice may not need the money at that time so it may be a bad idea to do it during the holidays.


I live in Georgia, and I work as a hospice care consultant.  I think you have a fantastic idea.  I use an interactive podcast to reach my audience about local resources and what's available in our community to help hospice, hospice patients, and hospice families.  It has gotten pretty good reviews.  You might be able to use the same program to start a fundraising campaign.  All you will need is a computer and a phone (honestly if the program had not been free to use I would not have been able to do it myself).  If you would like me to send you the site, please feel free to contact me.
Always be of service
Strive to understand the misunderstood
Live a life of gratitude and forgiveness
See yourself in others and
Frame the vision with love

Jaime Hughes

I'm very sorry to hear about your losses, and I appriciate your willingness to support.

When I get information on it I will of course let you guys be the first to know. We will be setting up headquarters somewhere where you can come and place orders and things like that.


This is a great idea. My father died of Prostate Cancer my dearest friend died of Cancer and her husband has Cancer and I know just what families go through, and this is one of the causes that I fully support.

Keep us posted as to when this project will take place.

Best Wishes!

Jaime Hughes

I had a new idea that I was tossing around and I figured that I would come to all of you first because I value your opinions and criticism. Well recently, numerous family members of mine have been stricken with Cancer. Not only this, so has many of my close close friends..I wanted to do something because I was able to see first hand how hard the men and women worked in Hospice. Here was my idea:

I feel that every person who has cancer, has seen first hand how cancer has affected family/friends, nurses, hospice workers...everyone- they are angels of the world. I wanted to start this drive probably the beginning of November (maybe end of October) and have people donate 2.00 for an ornament (which would be an angel or a heart or something very symbolic/touching). And split it 50/50...half of the money would go for the cost of the ornament, and the other would go as a donation to hospice. THEN...once Christmas comes around I was going to see if we could hang the ornaments downtown on the trees they put up for Christmas (with proper authorization of course) and have something special like a prayer service or small lunch go on before or after the ornament hanging.  On the ornaments you could put a special message, your name...or your loved one/friends could be for anyone....but the proceeds would go to Hospice then maybe after the holidays you could either have your ornament back of I could give them to hospice?

What does everyone think of the idea? I thought it was cute and it would be beautiful to see not only the array of ornaments downtown...but also the people who come together for such a cause.