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Dan vs Maggy

Started by jay, August 31, 2007, 05:22:21 PM

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During this morning's program, Dan argued with Harry Meshel.  Mr. Meshel has legitimate concerns about the funding and running of the city's Chevrolet Centre.  I'm beginning to feel that Dan doesn't want anyone to question the decisions of our elected officials.


Dear Towntalk,

I thought the idea, is to be interested in the whole of the community.

I didn't "butt" in, I was contacted.

Since when did any local form of government become monarchies? Elected officials are supposed to represent the people. Kind of hard to do that, if you don't have any dialogue with them.

Nothing is more precious than the people's right to the election process, and a mandamus shouldn't have to be filed to attain this.

As for our safety forces...when we have enough to take care of OUR city, then we can talk about protecting others.


1. Maggy is a great advocate for Youngstown.
2. She lives in Youngstown.


The Water problem in Campbell is a problem that the people of Campbell have to deal with, and they do not need outsiders coming in to tell them what to do about selling or keeping their Water Works. Nothing that Maggy or Mr. Rivers or The Vindicator thinks or says matters, and I'm sure that the people of Campbell appreciate outside interference any more than we would appreciate outsiders sticking their noses into our business. If and when they ask for our advice, that's another matter altogether, and as yet, I haven't heard them ask for it.

Campbell has serious problems ... an undermanned Police Department ... an understaffed Fire Department ... (One man manning a single Fire Truck), and if selling their water works can take pressure off the city's operating budget, then they can afford more Police and Fire personal.

All too often we ignore the bigger picture. Campbell has an aging population and for the size of the city a large poverty level community that can not afford higher taxes so that they can get the services they need.

Youngstown has made a number of proposals to help Campbell, but the people of Campbell resist those offers such as establishing a joint Fire District where YFD would respond to fires in Campbell. And in point of fact, the Youngstown Mayor has offered to buy the Campbell Water Works and establish a plan whereby Campbell residents would pay the same water bills that Youngstown residents pay, but again they said no.

As with other communities, Campbell fears that this would lead to Campbell being annexed into Youngstown, but unless something happens to bail Campbell out, this is inevitable.

We all have our right to our own opinion, but nothing we say will change anything so far as Campbell is concerned.


Maggy phoned the Rivers talk show this morning to explain the situation with proposal to sell the drinking water system in the city of Campbell.   Dan was very rude to her and questioned her (and the citizens') right to participate in the affairs of the city of Campbell.  If anything, we need the involvement of many more citizens in the operation of government at all levels.