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Police Stops on Mahoning Avenue Today

Started by jay, February 17, 2007, 02:57:24 PM

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Jay. Honestly man: How smart do you think these criminals are?
You ever think they may target one area during the daytime, and one area at night. I had heard they were going to do that once they settled this plan in.

Saturday afternoon I saw 19 cops along Mahoning Ave. I saw 6 cars pulled over, and hoopies hiding in parking lots.


Hopefully, they will study the results of their efforts thus far - and make
frequent changes to their strategy to keep the crooks off-balance and
guessing where the extra patrols will be on any given day.



Looks like it may be 422's turn today. I went to get a paper and saw 2 state in my five minute round trip.


I really hope that zero tolerance will work better than it has.  Seems like they aren't making the BIG arrests.  Lots of traffic and misdemeaners.

Tonight around 11:44 pm we heard about 12 gunshots around the E. Judson/Hilton area.  I hope it isn't going to be another every-other-night event.


If the pattern is to move from one side of town to the next each day, it won't take long for the criminals to figure out which days the south side will be under protected.  How is this really protecting the citizens in the south side's high crime areas?


I know Wednesday and Thursday, they were focusing on Market St. Looks like every day or every couple of days, they focus on a different main artery. Today was Mahoning Avenue's lucky day.


We were also on Mahoning today and seen 2 YPD and 4 State from meridian til downtown. I am glad they are trying but what about the south side? do they have plans for that area? That is where all the shootings occur

northside lurker

I had to wait for about 40 minutes for the bus this morning. (10:20-11:00 because they run differently on Saturday--apparently) In that time, I was passed by either a YPD car or a Highway patrol car about once every minute or two.  On the bus ride downtown, we passed three cars that had been pulled over.  On the ride home, I saw one more car pulled over.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison


I spent about two minutes driving on Mahoning Avenue today.  Police cars were everywhere.  I saw cars pulled over by the highway patrol and the YPD.  There were five police cars in a one mile stretch of road.