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The School Levy Loss

Started by jay, November 08, 2006, 06:30:03 AM

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It might help to publish the long range plans for building improvements so that parents have access to information.
No one can make sense of the student juggling and building construction/improvements. 
From the outside looking in, it might appear that money is being wasted.
Voting is all about perspective. They need better PR.
The school system seems to avoid direct questions.
Perhaps the school district needs to communicate more with parents and not ignore suggestions and requests.
I found the comment that the Board Room should have been full in a Vindy article before the vote to be ironic.
Meeting attendance can be a waste of time..  rubber stamping.
The real business takes place in a meeting prior to the public board meetings.


The school levy in Youngstown lost.  The vote was 9,260 for the levy and 11,500 against the levy.   The difference was 2,240 votes.

If an additional 1000 school employees lived in the city of Youngstown and they, their spouses, and their voting age children supported the levy,  it would have passed.