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Crime Out of Control

Started by Micky, September 23, 2006, 11:52:01 PM

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700 Juveniles on probation !  Gee , I wonder why ? Do you think it has anything to do with the way they are raised ?? Last weekend in Struthers some juvenile girls and boys  were drinking in an abandoned house on Hawthorn st. (OK  so  its not Youngstown)   Anyway one of the mothers was looking for her daughter (good Mom) when 3 juvenile girls  beat the hell out of her , Police were called - booze was found , don't know if anyone was arrested or not .  But I started thinking about when I did something bad when I was young I got paddled @ home  and sometimes a few whacks at school , It did me no harm  ...actually I was fearfull after a few times of doing anything wrong !  So now with God out of the picture and Parents afraid of whacking their kids (might go to jail)  Its no wonder the kids have "No Fear" today .
We reap what we sow . I'm glad I wont be around in 50 years ...I really don't want to see the end results or the human race


I am appalled to learn that there are over 700 juveniles on probation from the South Side alone!
They said that there are 300 to 800 gang members in Youngstown.

Armed robberies have increased.  Police can only play catch up at this point.

111 vacant homes in a small area on South Side and our property tax assessments have gone up almost double.

Concerned citizens won't call the police for fear of retalitation if their name and phone numbers go on arrest reports. 

What can we realistically do to stop what's going on?