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Maruca's Pens

Started by jay, April 27, 2014, 01:49:38 PM

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I sent them to my cousin who collects campaign buttons. She always remembers me (one of the few relitives that does), so I was happy to do so.


Those KennedyNixonbuttons are worth a fortune.


When I was getting ready to move, and was going through the drawers in the kitchen, the "junk drawer" was loaded with all sorts of useless junk ... pencles and buttons from past elections going all the way back to Kennedy/Nixon; dozens of paper clips old AA batteries; an old transister radio in the shape of a credit card; several old keys; a broken pair of sunglasses; a used length of dental floss; and a long lost pair of eye glasses. The funny thing was that a lot of it was made in Japan.


Lighten up my friend, they're free ... they most likely either don't work, or have a very short life ... and in truth they would end up in your junk drawer along side the rest of the useless junk that accumulates ... used twisters, old rubber bands, string, a few paper clips, assorted screws, and automatic pencles with no lead, and dried up felt tip pens.


Maruca's black and yellow ball point pens were made in china.    >:(