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Demolition And Deconstruction In The Rocky Ridge Area

Started by jay, September 25, 2011, 02:35:36 PM

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I hope Mayor Sammarone will demo as many houses as he can get the
funds for before his tenure exipres.

Regardless of politics or economics, Youngstown needs to continue cutting out
the "dead growth" in its housing and building stock and its public infrastructure
(ie: streets, sidewalks, etc) that are no longer needed.   It can only benefit the
city in the end.

I'm sure everyone in the neighborhood is happy that the blight has been abated.


The garage on the property was successfully deconstructed.  The photo shows roof trusses being removed for salvage.


A house that was the source of numerous complaints in the Rocky Ridge Area of the west side was finally demolished on Friday.  The building had a large hole in the roof, was boarded up, and always needed to have its grass cut.  It had been vacant for many years.