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This is SO WRONG

Started by Irishbobcat, March 02, 2014, 01:03:25 PM

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I agree with you. Before you get too upset read the article in The Business Journal from February 27 it indicates the YSU Board of Trustees is working to stop all compensation to Dunn on the day he actually leaves YSU, should he leave early.  I was not able to put the link to the article in here.

The Board of Trustees needs to get it's ducks in a row for this to work.  They need to get an interim president that can stay until they find a replacement and get Dunn to agree to the terms.  The current provost( the first in line for interim president) will be back in town March 15, but is set to retire June 30.  It will not be easy finding a good person for the job in such a short period of time.


$50,000 to sit home for 5 months and the personal use of a 2013 van?  I want this gig.....