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Drug Deals In Parking Lots

Started by jay, September 14, 2010, 09:32:41 PM

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I'm glad some are learning that you have to do something, anything, but just do something, Lincoln said this.


I think a few years ago on the vindy boards someone was witnessing drug deals and started putting the lic# on the board..What I would do is take pictures--get lic# of all the stuff going on and put it on the board--send it to the police and maybe other police agencies who might care...Then maybe, just maybe, something might get done..It certainly beats the alternative of not doing anything..


Recruit an undercover agent from D.E.A., FBI or whatever - send them in,
set up a sting, and put the bastards in jail.



A member of a west side block watch reported that drug dealers are using fast food parking lot for drug sales. 

Buys are arranged by cell phone. 
Pickups take place in a matter of minutes.
Sales location changes frequently by moving to another parking lot.