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The Gloves Given At The Citywide Cleanup

Started by jay, September 29, 2009, 08:21:40 AM

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There is little doubt that we receive good Medical care. Not the best but Good, and even acceptable. Better than many get in fact. But not what was promised. And still quite a few holes in it.

But it is the Government that broke the promise. And that is just one reason I will continue to speak against a Government run health care system for all.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


sarge do feel that you are receiving quality medical care on the monthly premium you pay for your healthcare plan for you and your wife?


<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


sarge you are not the only one that recieved the royal screw concerning  your pension. their are others in the past esp the steelworkers in this valley had their pensions reduced. i too have to pay a copay for prescriptions and pay for med ins $140.00 a month for a single. is the $200 per month for you alone or is it for your spouse too?


Oh yes I get half of what I got in 93. And the health benefits are basically Medicare. Which I still pay nearly $200 a month for. And then there's the copay's for prescriptions. Not what we were promised back in 71 when I signed up. Not even close.

But I would still do it all over again.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


you have a decent pension. i know other retired armed service personnel and they enjoy their same standard of living when they were in the military. you have decent benefits when it comes to your health. my neighbor is in a veteran's hospital and he does not any complaints. he is thankful that it is there for him and other veterans.


Nice decent pension? A Private in todays Army gets more than I get in retirement. But I do admit that the Unions did some great things for the USA and the world. But the day of the Big Union is over. They can do more harm than good today.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


sarge you can blame the unions for all the woes in this country but everyone is the blame for the manufacturing jobs that are going out this country. remember sarge your salary was and your retirement is based on people's income in this country not on foreigners wagers. sarge would you have a nice decent pension if unions were still illegal in this country?


As we all know, if you are willing to pay more you can find that most things are made in the USA.

Martha Stewart Plastic ware (sold at KMART) is made right here in the valley by Dinesol Plastics in Niles.

And someone ( I forget who) in the forum showed me where I could order an aluminum Pizza cutter, I ended up with the pizza cutter a paring knife and a vegetable peeler, all made of high grade steel and aluminum and made in the USA.

And at SAMs club I recently purchased a 3 piece set of frying pans, again made in the USA.

New washer and Dryer, the washer was built in Germany but the Dryer was made in Akron Ohio.

And the new windows in the house all built right here.

SO everything seems to be out there if you look and if you care to pay more. (I guess I can blame some of that on the Unions). But everything costs more in the USA.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


i will say it again the current mayor's administration and council is anti-labor. mayor "j" is not a frd of labor. he and council will never consider union or made in america products aslong as they can save a penny or two.

Rick Rowlands

Looks like about $2.50 a pair for American made hot mill gloves.  Probably twice the cost of the Chinese ones but its well worth it.


The only thing we make in America these days are excuses......


Gloves were given out at the recent Citywide Cleanup.  Where were the gloves made?

For the answer, see the photo below.

City Bureaucrats  >:(