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My 2024 Bird Nest Box

Started by jay, April 26, 2024, 09:52:19 AM

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Thursday, August 22

The young Bluebirds must have left the nest box this morning.  No activity was seen the several times I checked throughout the day.


Occasionally a young Bluebird extended his head outside the nest box entrance.  Fly-away day may be coming soon.


Yesterday I observed the adult Bluebird make six quick trips from my seed feeder to the nest box.
 The adult fed the young at the entrance of the nest box.  It must be getting crowded inside.


The male and female continue to feed the young Bluebirds.

Something interesting

On more then one occasion, I observed an immature bluebird poke its head into the nest box. 
May want to see young cousins.


I must not have been watching enough for the last month.

The male and female Bluebirds are now bringing insects to the nest box throughout the day.  Young Bluebirds have hatched.



Every day or so the male bluebird or female bluebird visits the nest box and enters.  Each only stays for less than a minute.


The male Bluebird often pokes his head into the nest box and then leaves.

I think he is checking to see if any other birds are using the box.


July 9th

A male Bluebird entered the nest box this morning.  After a few seconds, the male Bluebird poked his head out with a few nest materials in his beak.  The male then perched on the top of the nest box.  A female Bluebird then entered the box and left after a few seconds.

I guess the male was trying to lure the female to this nesting location.


The Bluebirds have apparently abandoned the nest box.  The House Wren competition was too much.


I watched this on Sunday morning

The Wren went into the nest box.  About two seconds later, the male bluebird arrived and also entered the nest box.  There must have been a short battle as dust was coming from various slits in the nest box.  The Wren then left the nest box.


My last observation was a mistake.

Today, Saturday, June 29, a House Wren was observed raiding the nest box.  The Wren used its beak to remove most of the Blue Birds nest grass and throw the grass out the nest box entrance.  This activity went on for over half an hour. 

When the Wren was not around, the male Bluebird returned and even went into the nest box.

I'm not sure what will happen next.


The female Bluebird must be laying eggs.  She is in the nest box each day and then leaves.



Today I saw a female bluebird entering the nest box with blades of dry grass in her beak.

Nest building has begun.


I cleaned out the nest box.

I hope another set of birds decide to use it soon.


The last young bluebird left the nest box two days ago.