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Get on the bus! July 30, Rally and Lobby in DC for HR 676

Started by tony, July 20, 2009, 11:33:44 PM

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I suppose one must experience Medicare or other Government run health care to understand that it is Government controlled health care. And the Government, not you and your doctor makes your health care decisions.
<<<)) Sergeant First Class,  US Army, Retired((>>>


Get on the bus!  July 30, Rally and Lobby in DC for HR 676

July 30 marks Medicare's 44th Birthday.  Activists from more than a dozen
cities are sending busloads to Washington, DC, to celebrate the occasion
and to show Congress and President Obama the strong support for a
national, single payer healthcare system.  People will visit their
Congresspersons to urge them to sign on to HR 676 in the House and S 703
in the Senate, then come together for a rally at 1:00 pm.

Rally for Expanded and Improved Medicare for All, HR 676

Thursday, July 30, 1:00 pm, Upper Senate Park
(between Constitution Ave, New Jersey Ave, and Delaware Ave)

Confirmed Rally Speakers:

Jos Williams - President, AFL-CIO Metropolitan Washington Labor Council,

Dr. David Scheiner - President Obama's personal physician of 22 years

Sidney M. Wolfe, MD - Acting President of Public Citizen

Terry O'Neill - President, National Organization for Women

Senator James Ferlo - Pennsylvania State Senator

Sameer Dossani - Demand Dignity Campaign Director, Amnesty International

Barbara Ehrenreich - Feminist, sociologist, political activist, and author
of  "Nickled and Dimed"

Congressman John Conyers, Jr - Chair, House Judiciary Committee, and
sponsor of HR 676

Medea Benjamin - Cofounder of Code Pink and Global Exchange

Tim Carpenter - Progressive Democrats of America, Executive Director

Donna Smith - Community Activist and Legislative Advocate, California

Nurses Association, whose story of financial bankruptcy was featured in
Michael Moore's film, "SiCKO."

Medicare has successfully provided care to seniors and people with
disabilities for almost half a century.  Its single payer structure with
only 3% administrative costs stands in sharp contrast to the 20% and
higher wasted by the private insurance companies on administration and
profits.  As Washington struggles to fund health care reform, an expanded
and improved Medicare shows the way to do it!

Join us in DC on July 30!!

Info on buses and transportation to DC is here:

Info on the rally is here:

Distributed by:
All Unions Committee For Single Payer Health Care--HR 676
c/o Nurses Professional Organization (NPO)
1169 Eastern Parkway, Suite 2218
Louisville, KY 40217
(502) 636 1551
With Respect and Cheers,
Tony Budak