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Wear Face Coverings In Youngstown

Started by jay, July 17, 2020, 08:49:30 PM

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I guess they need to stay busy so they can justify the excessive number of council people.


I love how city council approves this ordinance even though the state already has an order out on the matter. How about less government in our lives instead of redundancies.


I realize there are exceptions for various reasons but I really don't see how a mask would block an oxygen tube used by anyone. Considering she already has respiratory issues, how long would she last with Covid?

"Luckily", or not, I meet 3 of Ohio's mask exclusions on a regular basis. The other two need some clarification.

"Those who are officiants at religious services." Is carrying the plate up and back down the isle close enough? Probably not but what if I take the plates to the Altar and do a 5 minute speech both before and after each collection?

"Those who are actively involved with public safety." Does that mean it's my job and/or I have training? Maybe just being a good samaritan is good enough.


Today I was in the Cornersburg Sparkle Market.  Everyone was wearing a face covering except one lady.  When I walked closer to her, I discovered that she had an oxygen tube on her face.  She is one of the exceptions for not wearing a mask.


Today the mayor of Youngstown mandated the wearing of face coverings in Youngstown as a way to stop the spread of the Coronavirus.