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1964 Mercedes Benz

Started by Jaime Hughes, September 03, 2008, 09:00:40 PM

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Another thing you should be aware of when buying a used car is its service record.  If
you are buying a used car from a private owner, ask for documentation showing that
the vehicle was properly maintained, receipts for any major repairs that have been
done on the car (especially collision repair, etc).

The newer engines DO last a very long time in comparison to older models,
provided they were maintained properly.  My van (bought at a used car lot on
South Avenue) has 214,000 miles on it, it's fourteen years old - and it runs like
a CHAMP - it's just a gas hog.  I think the former owner had the automatic
transmission replaced about 12 months or so before I bought the van, but the
engine is the original and has never been taken apart for any major repairs.

With the advent of computerized engine systems (starting in the early 1980's) there
really isn't too much to do as far as "tune ups", the most important things are fluids
and filters.  Keeping the oil, transmission fluid, air and fuel filters, etc changed
frequently can really make an engine last a long time, overall.



Something else that should be mentioned, 100,000 miles on a late model car isn't much different than 55,000 miles on a 1960s car. Plus everything's alot newer.

used to be that 100,000 miles was a milestone It's not so much any more. heck hadn't thought of it before but my truck about 180,000 miles, my wife's van has 130,000 miles, my son's car has 125,000 miles. I don't even own a car under 100,000 miles and haven't for several years.

If you do go to The Car Lounge you could post your price range, any specifics you want/need and let them suggest the perfect vehicles for you. vehicles plural because they won't come to a unanimous decision but you'll get some ideas out of it anyway.


Go here They will tell you all about those cars. or any other car for that matter

Personally I would do it but then again I have some mechanical knowledge and a place to work on it.

If you end up passing on it would you consider letting us know where it is?


Ok... that sounds like they are scamming you somehow, you just don't find a 64 benz with 50,000 miles in great shape for that little.

northside lurker

Even if it's in good shape mechanically, I wouldn't recommend using a car like this as a daily driver.  A car this old will probably need to be taken to a mechanic fairly often.  And, it will be expensive.  Not only will the parts have to be ordered from Germany, but they are probably becoming rare because the car is 44 years old.  Considering they are only asking 1500 for the car, it probably has some mechanical issues.

But, on the other hand, you only live once.  This sounds like it would be a fun car.  And, if you think you could easily find alternative transportation when the Benz won't start some morning, then I'd say go for it.

I don't really know what kind of gas mileage you could expect.  It depends on what kind of engine it has.

If you're just looking for reliable, fuel-efficient car, you shouldn't have too much trouble with $3,000.  Don't be afraid of a modern car with more than 100,000.  As long as it is mechanically sound, and not rusting to pieces, it should be fine.
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison

Jaime Hughes

I have a kind of stupid question that I hope someone out there may be able to answer this.

I am looking for another car. Problem is I only HAVE 3,000.00 to spend on one...which causes somewhat of a problem because I can't find a decent one that is under 100,000 miles and not falling apart.

I came across this 1964 Benz that is BEAUTIFUL, 50,000 miles and is just...breath taking! It's 1,500.00 -- what does everyone think about this? Could this be a car that I drive around etc, and what about the gas mileage etc?

I am automobile challenged and need a little advice!