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Cyndy McKinney for Pres.

Started by irishbobcat, August 08, 2008, 05:55:46 PM

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I had the chance to meet and speak with Cyndy McKinney today in Columbus. I found her to be a very nice person who strongly believes that we have only one party in America today and that her switch to the Green Party is because the Democrats have abandoned renewable energy, mass transit, providing blue collar jobs, failing to stop or slow the funding of the war in Iraq, and generally not contesting either the 2000 or 2004 elections and the corrupt
political voting machines that decided those outcomes.

She speaks very passoniate about issues, and some people may cause her a witch, which puts her in compnay with Mrs. Clinton.

If anything, while we know she will not win the White House, we need to vote for Green Party Candidates to show the major lobbyist controlled party that the American people do want an alternative voice in America for the poor, middle, and working class.

That is why I am running for Congress as a write-in candidate. It is my hope the voters of the 6th district send a message to Washington that we want alternative choices in our November races and we don want incumbent candidates with $450,000 in Lobbyists and PAC money to automatically be declared the winner before the vote is taken.

Green Party Candidate for Ohio's 6th District
Running against a Conservative Democrat and Republican!

Renewable Energy Green/Blue Collars Jobs
Single-Payer Affordable Healthcare
Economic Fairness/Quality Education
Clear and Fair Elections with Paper Ballots

Campaign site: Http://


Pardon my English, but I do recall her and an incident down at The Capitol a few years ago. I referred to her as a BITCH.


Not just anyone from death row, a cop killer. I realize that a lot of people think that he's innocent, but the reality is, he's been convicted, he's in jail, for killing a police officer.

Not exactly who I would want endorsing my campaign.


Cindy had a very checkered history as a Congresswoman like slugging Capitol Police officers. Even the Black Caucus held her at arms length because of her unpredictability. She marches to her own drummer. No one tells her what to say or do, and if she were elected she would turn on the Green Party just as she turned on the Democratic Party.,_2006_Capitol_Hill_Police_Incident


The Green Party is her new political home? Did she just join or something? The racism that leveled New Orleans? Thinking back, it seems like it was a hurricane....

And, am I reading it wrong, or does she have an endorsment on her site from someone on death row?

Who is this lady? She doesn't sound like all of her ducks are in a row.


Is this the company she kept when she was a Democratic Congresswoman?

Or are these small far exreme leftist groups who have latched on to her campaign?

Dennis Spisak


If exchanging our democracy for Soviet Style Communism is acceptable then I guess she would be OK.

We condemn Obama because of those who support him ... we condemn McCain for the company he keeps so why should it be any different for McKinney?

Fortunately there is little chance of her being elected. Like Gus Hall, she'll be an also ran. The record shows that America is not ready to exchange our way of life for life under a dictatorship.


Before anybody gets scared off by who is endorsing her, just remember free enterprise big businesses in America like Old Navy now sell shirts off their racks from Vietnam.

Before any group supporting Mckinney scares you, is it alright for the oil companies to squeeze you for every last penny you have for gasoline? Is it alright for the President to talke away individual freedoms like the Patriot Act does?  Is it alright for big business to hurt the poor, middle, and working class of this valley, Ohio, and America?

Green Party Candidate for Ohio's 6th District
Running against a Conservative Democrat and Republican!

Renewable Energy Green/Blue Collars Jobs
Single-Payer Affordable Healthcare
Economic Fairness/Quality Education
Clear and Fair Elections with Paper Ballots

Campaign site: Http://


From McKinney's Web site:

Workers World
(Communist Party USA)
"Workers World newspaper in the past has supported the candidates of Workers World Party running for national office in the U.S. presidential elections and who have put forward a revolutionary socialist program. This time we are taking the unusual step of endorsing the candidacy of Cynthia McKinney because these are unique times and this is a unique candidate."

Workers International League
"As National Secretary of the Workers International League (WIL), publishers of Socialist Appeal, I am pleased to inform you that our organization has decided to endorse your "Power to the People" campaign. We believe that this election year, your candidacy is the best choice for working people, an important step toward breaking once and for all with the Democrats and Republicans and building a mass political alternative that truly represents the interests of the vast majority of Americans."



Cynthia McKinney for President 2008!! Power to the People Committee

We have two more weeks Cynthia is also seeking the ballot line of the Peace and Freedom Party. That gives us two more weeks to qualify for the Federal Matching Funds. Who is ready next to rise to this challenge! Supporting ballot access work this Summer is critical, and qualifying this campaign for Federal Matching Funds is key to that goal. With only two weeks left, won't you please help?

Contribute Online Now!
Or complete this printable form and mail it with your check to:
Power to the People Committee
Cynthia McKinney for President;
Joan Christian, Treasurer;
P.O. Box 311759;
Atlanta Georgia 31131-1759

I will be meeting with Cyndy tomorrow at a Columbus Fund-Raiser/Rally.......

Green Party Candidate for Ohio's 6th District
Running against a Conservative Democrat and Republican!

Renewable Energy Green/Blue Collars Jobs
Single-Payer Affordable Healthcare
Economic Fairness/Quality Education
Clear and Fair Elections with Paper Ballots

Campaign site: []