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Fruit Tree Lined Streets

Started by Towntalk, April 25, 2008, 12:18:20 AM

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Sounds like they would attract homeless people and bees, plus they would require city crews to clean up the rotting smashed fruit all over the sidewalks. At the same time, I would love to walk down the street and be able to grab an apple along the way.


The problem is and will be the people who walk the streets and don't have jobs will consider them free food and nothing else.
I had two apple trees that I planted in my front yard and two behind my garage. I had many small apples on them in the early summer, very few that fell to the ground. I expected to have lots of apples to eat, make apple pies, etc. For my household. I caught several kids climbing the back trees for the apples. Never had any fruit for myself from those. The front trees-well, the kids waited til I left somewhere and did the same thing. They even made comments to me to plant more fruit trees so they can eat them.
I never planned to be the produce provider for the 200 block of Hilton.
There were carpenter bees by my back door. They never bothered me and I was out all the time. The kids were scared of them though and they nevr touched my tomato plants in containers by my back door.
People of Youngstown live in two distinct mindsets. What can I do to make the city better/improve the life here and what can I get away with.
Do something about the latter mindset and Youngstown will improve. Continue to let them run rampant and the city will continue to spiral downward. I'm tired of supporting everyone who chooses not to work, pops out babies left and right and expects a handout. Limit welfare payments to one additional child after you apply-mistakes to happen. Forced sterilization if you do not want to work, quit three or more jobs/2 years so you can stay on unemployment, collect food stamps.If you have a car that's worth more than the house you live in, have it taken away, same with boomboxes/excessive noise AND ENFORCE IT-not with the wimp judges we have that continue to do nothing but ask for more money.
And I'm a Democrat.
The middle class has become the upper lower class and the wealthier people have become the middle class. It seems we will have arevolution in this country unless something drastic happens, and I don't see it coming from Mayor Jay, Gov Strickland, or any of the 3 presidential candidates