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Was Youngstown Insulted?

Started by Towntalk, February 27, 2008, 01:45:29 PM

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Quote from: connie254 on March 01, 2008, 04:01:05 PM
And despite all of that: HE STILL WON TWO TERMS IN OFFICE. Hahahahaha...(quote)

He didn't "win", he stole the elections both times-in 2000 it was brother Jed and 2004, it was raising the terrorist threat prior to the elections because he knew his approval rating went up each time it did AND the threat of gay marriage. Or did you forget the constitutional amendment that received some much attention and brought out the conservative vote.

And if you love the Iraq action so much, why aren't you volunteering to go over there and help "convert" the Iraqi's?
Connie, this is why I am so pissed off with this area, people like your uneducated self spewing out everything the liberal media feeds you. Stole the elections my ass; go drink the Kool-Aide of the feminists Nancy Pelosi and Cindy Sheehan Connie... O wait you already have been...

And o yeah, I am not in Iraq because the last time I checked it was an all volunteer military. Also, why do you think so many Americans go to the military academies for... To just become a troop and not expect to defend our nation sometime??? Well that is what they are doing right now.
They are defending our nation with pride and dignity and are doing a terrific job doing just that!

The liberal media won't put this on the top story of the news or on the front page of the paper: but check this out Connie:



And despite all of that: HE STILL WON TWO TERMS IN OFFICE. Hahahahaha...(quote)

He didn't "win", he stole the elections both times-in 2000 it was brother Jed and 2004, it was raising the terrorist threat prior to the elections because he knew his approval rating went up each time it did AND the threat of gay marriage. Or did you forget the constitutional amendment that received some much attention and brought out the conservative vote.

And if you love the Iraq action so much, why aren't you volunteering to go over there and help "convert" the Iraqi's?


Both the major parties are corrupt. They are influenced and bought by lobbyists and PACS.

Both parties control our election system.The rules written by the two major parties are obviously intended to limit participation by third parties and Independents and are a direct cause of the overall low participation by Ohio citizens who never register, vote or run for elected office.

Dennis Spisak-Independent Green Party Candidate for State Representative-60th District

Campaign site:


Quote from: connie254 on February 29, 2008, 03:55:44 PM
I wish I was in Mr Spisak's territory, I would vote for him.  You just need to be in the system to see how things are so topsy-turvy. I have a son with autism too. I can't get any help because  I WORK. If I didn't, I could get all kinds of help. People who lie about their income get the help.
As far as the actual subject, I am not insulted. My father was a steelworker who was 60 when they closed. He had a choice-move to another town and have my sister and I start new schools(he got married later in life) or retire and live very tightly until his pension kicked in. He never cared for the unions, it was a requirement of the job. He never went to college, left school in 11th grade but learned a lot from talking to people and watching.
Barack and Clinton offer the only hope this country has to get out of the mess we're in now d/t the idiot Bush. Keeping the troops over there in Iraq doesn't do anything except line the pockets of Bush's friends. Who is rebuilding Iraq? Who has the defense contracts?  Who benefits when gas is going ever higher?The main reason the troops are having problems with fighting is the factions in radical Muslim thinking believe we were trepassing on sacred ground during the Persian Gulf actions, and we the infidels need to stay out the sacred Middle East. Neither was a war-Congress must approve an act of war, not just allow troops there.
GW failed at every business venture he was involved in until he was elected governor. Just listening to him speak makes me cringe. Here is a person who supposedly graduated from Ivy League with a law degree but still sounds like he is the subject of a redneck joke ("You might be a redneck if you put a vice president that everyone is scared of beneath you.No one will assissinate you because the VP will take over" Or is that the only brilliant idea he had-put Cheney there so no one would shoot him. That and marry a very nice person. I give him credit for Laura.)
The infrastrucure of this country is disintregrating and when disasters happen we are powerless. The National Guard is across the world and money is spent over there.
If this continues, we will be in for a worst state than the Great Depression.

And despite all of that: HE STILL WON TWO TERMS IN OFFICE. Hahahahaha...
You know Iraq is getting better when one of your average Hollywood Liberals, named Angelina Jolie, says we can't leave now, things are getting so much better.

And you know what Connie, we are never going to leave Iraq. Have we left Germany, Korea, Kuwait, or Japan???? I don't think so.

Iraq will be a key to our future due to its strategic positioning in the middle east. Now we are with Israel, Iraq, and Kuwait... I'd say we are in a much better spot now than before if there ever was a war with Iran or over there...




Thanks for your kind words. I believe I have the vision and desire to make a better representative for the 60th district than Bob Hagan.


Dennis Spisak

campaign site:


I wish I was in Mr Spisak's territory, I would vote for him.  You just need to be in the system to see how things are so topsy-turvy. I have a son with autism too. I can't get any help because  I WORK. If I didn't, I could get all kinds of help. People who lie about their income get the help.
As far as the actual subject, I am not insulted. My father was a steelworker who was 60 when they closed. He had a choice-move to another town and have my sister and I start new schools(he got married later in life) or retire and live very tightly until his pension kicked in. He never cared for the unions, it was a requirement of the job. He never went to college, left school in 11th grade but learned a lot from talking to people and watching.
Barack and Clinton offer the only hope this country has to get out of the mess we're in now d/t the idiot Bush. Keeping the troops over there in Iraq doesn't do anything except line the pockets of Bush's friends. Who is rebuilding Iraq? Who has the defense contracts?  Who benefits when gas is going ever higher?The main reason the troops are having problems with fighting is the factions in radical Muslim thinking believe we were trepassing on sacred ground during the Persian Gulf actions, and we the infidels need to stay out the sacred Middle East. Neither was a war-Congress must approve an act of war, not just allow troops there.
GW failed at every business venture he was involved in until he was elected governor. Just listening to him speak makes me cringe. Here is a person who supposedly graduated from Ivy League with a law degree but still sounds like he is the subject of a redneck joke ("You might be a redneck if you put a vice president that everyone is scared of beneath you.No one will assissinate you because the VP will take over" Or is that the only brilliant idea he had-put Cheney there so no one would shoot him. That and marry a very nice person. I give him credit for Laura.)
The infrastrucure of this country is disintregrating and when disasters happen we are powerless. The National Guard is across the world and money is spent over there.
If this continues, we will be in for a worst state than the Great Depression.


Quote from: rusty river on February 28, 2008, 02:10:59 PM
Quote from: YtownNewsandViews on February 27, 2008, 03:33:07 PM

WAKE UP PEOPLE! MOVE TO THE RIGHT... A vote for Obama or Clinton is a vote for an end to a needed war and to put an end to your tax cuts and a new beginning of higher taxes!

Tax cuts? What tax cuts? Mr. Bush didn't give me any tax cuts...
And there has not been a better example of "big government" than the last 7 years of republican control. A 9.3 TRILLION dollar budget deficit?? Thats about $30,000 PER CITIZEN! Is this your example of being fiscally conservative?
If you put inflation into that, it is not the highest deficit we have ever seen. My family has received tax cuts every year. We aren't rich either like the liberals portray those who get them.

And Spisak, like I said I wish you luck, but you are further left on the food chain for me to vote for you. I enjoy your passion and would love to see you give Hagan all he can handle; but a vote for you seems to me a vote for the same old policies that this area has had for far too long, and I don't feel they will ever help this area.


I guess I am further left because I was raised as a steelworker's son who wasn't born with a conservative spoon in my mouth.
I have 2 sons with autism who will never be able to compete for high paying jobs with benefits with the "regular" society because of their handicap.

My wife teaches multi-handicapped children who will live their whole lives in hand-fed or tube-fed the rest of their lives.

I have worked in the state juvenile prison system and have seen youth inmates who were born to crack mothers, who were forced by their poor parents to run drugs at age 6 because the polce wouldn't suspect them them as runners or dealers.

I believe in helping bring alternative energy jobs to the working poor and middle class to help bring some type of manufacturing base back to the valley so we can reclaim our neighborhoods with living wage jobs and have families who have a chance to make a decent living and not be subject to the high cost of medical insurance that our multi-billion HMO's now place on our families.

If that makes me a bad person.....I can live with that.....  I believe I can do a better job to represent this valley in Columbus as state rep.

Dennis Spisak



Quote from: irishbobcat on February 27, 2008, 10:02:02 PM
It is time for a change. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are corrupt because they are controlled by lobbyists and PAC money.

As an independent green party candidate for state representative,  I am pledged to refuse any and all campaign contributions from corporate and special interests. When elected officials are sent to Columbus to represent the interests of their District more often than not these types of contributions influence their decisions in a way that does not represent the greater needs of their constituents.

It's time to have independent candidates on the ballot in the fall so we can debate the issues over the summer and from labor Day to Election Day. How much debate was there truely in the local campaigns over the past 2 months? There will be many changes taking place in the world, America, Ohio, and the valley now through November and to elect Democrats on Tuesday who are unopposed in the fall really truely limits our "American Democratic Process" in November.

The questions I have for all Democrats in the 60th district is this: If the letter "D" or the word "Democrat" was not next to Bob Hagan's name on election day, could you honestly say Bob Hagan deserves another 2 years representing us in Columbus again after 
20 lackluster years in Columbus?

Dennis Spisak
Independent Green Party Candidate for State Representative-60th District

campaign site: HTTP://
Bob Hagan has done nothing as far as I'm concerned. He lost to Jay by so much because of that. I'd never vote for him because he is a left wing socialist which wants the government to run every ounce of our lives... Can you say Big Brother!

I'm not going to vote for you either because you see even further left than him, and that's hard to accomplish... This will be an interesting race if you could stir up the pot with Hagan like Jay did.



It is time for a change. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are corrupt because they are controlled by lobbyists and PAC money.

As an independent green party candidate for state representative,  I am pledged to refuse any and all campaign contributions from corporate and special interests. When elected officials are sent to Columbus to represent the interests of their District more often than not these types of contributions influence their decisions in a way that does not represent the greater needs of their constituents.

It's time to have independent candidates on the ballot in the fall so we can debate the issues over the summer and from labor Day to Election Day. How much debate was there truely in the local campaigns over the past 2 months? There will be many changes taking place in the world, America, Ohio, and the valley now through November and to elect Democrats on Tuesday who are unopposed in the fall really truely limits our "American Democratic Process" in November.

The questions I have for all Democrats in the 60th district is this: If the letter "D" or the word "Democrat" was not next to Bob Hagan's name on election day, could you honestly say Bob Hagan deserves another 2 years representing us in Columbus again after 
20 lackluster years in Columbus?

Dennis Spisak
Independent Green Party Candidate for State Representative-60th District

campaign site: HTTP://


The Democrats last night were trying to reach out to the voters in Youngstown for votes. The problem with that is that they have had 50 years to do that and they have all failed. Clinton was a major disgrace to our valley with NAFTA and by promising to bring a military accounting facility to the airport.

It's time for change. Stop buying into the Democratic bull shit people. Much of my family is democrat, but they have grown tired of the lies and corruption of the left. Ever since the Clinton administration, I've seen how bad more government is and I've seen how brilliant conservatives truly are and have become a Republican. I of course was not old enough to vote back in 1996 for Clinton/Dole; but I definitely would not have voted for Clinton. I have voted for Bush the past two elections.

WAKE UP PEOPLE! MOVE TO THE RIGHT... A vote for Obama or Clinton is a vote for an end to a needed war and to put an end to your tax cuts and a new beginning of higher taxes!

Join our cause today @

Rick Rowlands

Of course its insulting.  The only national coverage that we get as a community has been negative.  Over and over again.  The Democrats will use our community for a sound bite but if they get into office they will forget about us.  And why is that, because they know that no matter how much they defacate upon us, the idiots who live here will continue to vote for Democrats. So why should anyone pay any attention to us politically when this Valley marches in lockstep with the Democrat party, no matter if it benefits us or not?


During the MSNBC Democratic debate, Youngstown was mentioned by name several times in regards to NAFTA, and this afternoon on a syndicated talk show the host said that the candidates insulted Youngstown.

My question to you is: Do you think that the candidates insulted our city by telling the audience that Youngstown was seriously harmed by NAFTA?

What is so interesting is that the Vindicator political expert Mr. Bert D. has been trying to get Clinton and Obama to conduct a debate here and could not get it, and when the candidates did discuss Youngstown he dismissed it out of hand. He was obviously sore over the fact that his name doesn't carry as much weight as he thinks it should.